HTs on Global/Hattrick Partners

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Keywords: (Partners), (Travian)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.88) as reply to (7831771.1)
To: Everyone 25.05.2007 at 15:29
Reply to (8995830.7)

Did you recently create a kind of joint-venture with travian? I found a commercial-page about HT on travian yesterday... and a travian-banner on HT page too!

Not a joint-venture, but we're currently having a kind of banner exchange program with them.

Keywords: (Partners), (Travian)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.107) as reply to (7831771.106)
To: Everyone 07.09.2007 at 23:51
Reply to (8995830.746)

Do you advertise Hattrick at all? Or does it grow only because we tell our friends about it?

We have had some banner exchange campaigns recently with our games and sites, for example we had a campaign together with the online game Travian some months ago. But most of the growth is because you tell your friends who tell their friends and so on and in the past we hardly did any advertisements at all.