HTs on Global/Hattrick Workers

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Keywords: (Hattrick Workers), (GM hierarchy)
From: HT-Tjecken (2517078.22) as reply to (2517078.20)
To: GM-Ramuuns 09-02-2005, at 11:35
And no not all GMs are created equal there are global GMs (the boses) and there are country GMs.

Let me just comment on this because it's wrong and I don't want to create any space for new myths. :)

There are global GMs and there are local GMs (responsible for one country). There are also an organization within the GM group with different responsibilities, so there are some "bosses". But the global GMs are not bosses for the local GMs. A global GM and a local GM is equal in "rank".

Let me also say that the different responsibilities are only for internal issues.

Keywords: (Hattrick Workers), (Translators)
From: HT-Tjecken (2517078.54) as reply to (2517078.52)
To: MOD-CoachOle 09-02-2005, at 16:57
Hmmm, and where do the likes of AlenS and darkjesus fit into it all?

They're classed as workers too aren't they?I don't know about these two in particular, but I know that there are some LAs who haven't gotten their prefix, because the language they are working on is still not released. That could be it.

Bingo. :)

Keywords: (Hattrick Workers), (Newbie Helper)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.12) as reply to (7831771.11)
To: HT-Tjecken 09-01-2007 at 15:33
Reply to (7831762.87)

Have you considered instituting a semi-staff role of a Certified Newbie Helper (CNH-Username), who would be in charge of advising new players and answering their questions?

We've been considering a lot of ideas to advise/help newbies, but no - we haven't considered having a staff role for that. It's definately something to consider, but I still think I prefer a solution where users can have that as a seperate career mission in a way.

Keywords: (Hattrick Workers), (Senior Game Masters)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.56) as reply to (7831771.1)
To: Everyone 01-02-2007 at 16:23
Reply to (7831762.620)

(...)I would suggest the creation of a new class of GM: the Internal Affairs game master (IA-username?). This person would watch over other staff members' actions, rulings and behavior, which IMHO would highly improve the trust of non-staff users in the staff's work and decisions. I must admit, I'm not even sure if this "Internal Affairs" division already exists - maybe as a very-very-very secret class for only a few GMs around the world. :P

Anyway, that's not an actual question. So mine is: have you even considered to come up with something like this? If positive, can we hope to see it work in a short time?

We haven't only considered it, GMs like that are already in place for quite some time now. They are not that visable however, but that's one thing which is up for discussion now. Making them more visable would be a very good thing for users' trust in staff members, so I hope we can find a system (which works!) for that.

Keywords: (Hattrick Workers), (Hattrick Team), (Extralives)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.65) as reply to (7831771.43)
To: Everyone 08.02.2007 at 17:31
Reply to (7831762.67)

How it is posible to manage so huge company with 923.820 clients by a team of only 13 persons?

It wouldn't be possible to manage this site without the help from our voluntary staff (Moderators, GameMasters, Language Administrators and CHPP admins). Honestly, they're the true heroes of Hattrick.

Keywords: (Hattrick Workers), (Language Administrators, (Macedonia)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.112) as reply to (7831771.111)
To: Everyone 14.09.2007 at 17:14
Reply to (8995830.820)

tell me pls who is criterion for LA and La team?

macedonian ht comunity dont have jet own language. we have several attempts.first in LA team have someone baned from conferece and that team was rejected. second time some one from another la team have qualification for english language ``inadequately`` ...ect ect

The criteria to become part of the staff is first of all being a helpful, mature, respectful and trustworthy member of the Hattrick community. You should also have respected the Hattrick rules, especially the conduct rules. Strictly speaking you should have a "clean record" (or at least very, very close to clean).

For a LA it's also necessary to have good English skills, as well as good skills in the language he/she should translate to. Language skills are very important for LAs, without the sufficient skills one might end up with a bad translation and in worst case a false translation.

About Macedonian we've at least two proposed LAs apart from the first LA team (which we unfortunately had to dissolve for violating the conduct rules), but none of them have meet the demands. We would very much want a Macedonian language version, so we're eagerly awaiting a good LA proposal.