HTs on Global/Off-Season Matches

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Keywords: (Off-Season Matches)
From: HT-Johan (11739076.15) as reply to (11739076.10)
To: Mod-Wizard 19-08-2008, at 12:16
well, frankly i agree that those who have no playoffs should have a chance to get involved in a friendly since those in a playoff will be lucky enough to recieve an extra traing for some players without considering some extra cash.

it's been proposed 4-100 times a year - but HTs stated that it's not possible to change the schedule...

We like the fact that we have a few windows a year when no games are played, it makes it easier to plan maintenance without disturbing users enjoyment of the game too much.

Keywords: (Off-Season Matches)
From: HT-Johan (11739076.23) as reply to (11739076.18)
To: MacAre 19-08-2008, at 13:19
We like the fact that we have a few windows a year when no games are played, it makes it easier to plan maintenance without disturbing users enjoyment of the game too much.

Well , if fact you have an semi open/closed window with the qualifier matches . Don't you think that is a bit unfair that some teams ( not the best ones , nor the worse ones) , have and additional bonus in training and cash ?


I can see that point, but while it is not impossible to change schedules I don´t think this is of such significance that we should overhaul the match week for this reason only. And no, I don´t think it´s unfair, it is a part of the game and the rules apply the same to everyone.