HTs on Global/Penalties

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Keywords: (Penalties)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.23) as reply to (7831771.20)
To: Everyone 12.01.2007, at 10:50
Reply to (7831762.677)

Dear Ht-crew, I have a queastion about penalties..

At the penalty shoooting after the overtime the plaryers's scoring and technical are important. Under the first 90 min, only set pieces skill is importent for the penalty taker.

So do rules say now. But why? Or is it the same for the game and penalty shooting after overtime?? Do that meen that a goalkeeper with nice set pieces will score in the first 90 min, but then if it's penalty shooting he will miss due to his lack of scoring??

You're right in a way, ordinary penalties and penalty shoot-outs are calculated a little bit differently. During ordinary time (and extra time) the set pieces skill is all that matters when it comes to penalties. However, when it comes to a penalty shoot-out the players experience becomes important as well as scoring and if he's technical. To understand why we got to go back and check our history books:

In the old days many, many seasons ago penalty shoot-outs in Hattrick weren't even close to how penalty shoot-outs are in the real world when it comes to the amount of goals scored. In real life most penalties results in a goal as you know, but in Hattrick it was the oppositie. It wasn't that rare that only one player succeed to score, which made the whole shoot-out a little bit ridiculous. Why this happened had of course natural explanations; back then only set pieces skill mattered and at that time there weren't many players with set pieces skill over solid as noone trained that skill. So, if you had a player with good (solid or better) set pieces abilities - you had only one! So, as the players lacked in set pieces skill their penalties were often an easy catch for the goalies.

So, in order to make the penalty shootouts funnier (and more like irl) we made it easier to score. But we still wanted the result to depend on skill (and not make it overall easier to score). Therefore we made it so players also could benefit from their scoring skill and technical speciality. On top of that, the experience kicks in as maybe the most important thing of all. Because no matter how good set pieces taker you are, or how good you are in scoring...there's always a chance that you may get nervous. Too nervous.

To answer your final question: Do that meen that a goalkeeper with nice set pieces will score in the first 90 min, but then if it's penalty shooting he will miss due to his lack of scoring?? I hardly think he'll miss due to lack of scoring is if he's got nice set pieces abilities, but he might get nervous and miss of course.