HTs on Global/Special players

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Keywords: (Bob)
From: HT-Hasse (2047484.122) as reply to (2047484.117)
To: Tjosan 16-11-2004 at 17:18
Whoever tried to deny Bob was tweaked? None of the persons present at the time had anything to do with that fact though.

Bob was pulled like any other youth but was later tweaked (as an Easter egg) when it comes to his beloved team member thing.

Keywords: (Craig Wozniak), (Player faces)
From: HT-Hasse (?) as reply to (?)
To: ? ?
More or less correct but the fact that it used to be my player had no part in it. Neither had I any part in giving him this face.

Basically the story was that when the player faces were introduced those in the HT-team who worked with that wanted 2-3 players who were special for some reason, to give them special faces as a sort of easter-egg. This happened a while after the introduction of the faces. With Wozniak being the first non-Swedish superstar in the game he was an obvious choice. Especially since he also played in the very first World Cup final.

The other players were Bob Sunesson and Marc O'Farrel. I don't know the story about O'Farrel.