HTs on Global/Youth Academy

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Keywords: (Youth Squad Games)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.22) as reply to (7391681.7)
To: Loyli 22.11.2006 at 09:18
even though i did not get that with the youth squad games, but i guess we will heare more and more until it will actually be implemented

In short, you'll be able to create your own series. Maybe some friends want a series of their own, or collegues or a federation etc. You play a match every week with your youth team in that series (and you'll also be able to choose the time of the match), except for some regular breaks for a friendly match. This to make it possible to meet other ppl/teams sometimes too.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.29) as reply to (7391681.19)
To: Wyborowa 22.11.2006 at 09:18
what i mean is when the new system starts, does it look to the rating of the old youtsquad?


Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.32) as reply to (7391681.24)
To: Catalyst2950 22.11.2006 at 09:27
Two questions:

1) Is the current investment going to be IN ANY WAY connected to the upcoming YS system? There are plenty of people who stopped investing some time ago because their TeamID wasn't lucky enough and they were losing money, but the future YS might be more fair.

2) I don't like the connection between 1st team results and the youth team. This will AGAIN make people avoid promotion - after all, if they get extra youth training points by winning, then there is absolutely no incentive to go higher. In fact, it might even be wiser to demote in a lot of cases.

First question is already answered and the second question is not a question, but an opinion.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.36) as reply to (7391681.27)
To: redberets_commandos 22.11.2006 at 09:30
what about the level of the YS? Is it staying the same as we managed to reach up to now or you will reset it, which means that all these money we invested for so long time was for nothing?

Nothing? All these years I think you've promoted a lot of youth players in order to (maybe) win your investment back. In the new system the level of the YS is unimportant. The only time you might need it again is if you want to go back to the old youth system. We're not definately sure how to handle the level then, but in some way it will be frozen or at least partly frozen (and depending on the number of scouts perhaps?). We'll see.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.38) as reply to (7391681.34)
To: roelfoving 22.11.2006 at 09:31
Will there be a transfer-system for these 15 and 16 year old players?

Nope, at least not in the first version.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.52) as reply to (7391681.41)
To: Catalyst2950 22.11.2006 at 09:45
2) [blah blah blah] Why the connection?

I think it makes sense that the progress or your normal team also affects the youth squad. It makes sense that youth players are better motivated to work hard for that place in the senior squad if the senior squad performs well. It also means you can't just give up your senior squad and sell it out etc etc. But you got a point, allthough I think the above is more important than that it's definately something to consider too.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.53) as reply to (7391681.43)
To: roelfoving 22.11.2006 at 09:46
So, we will have to wait until they are 17 to put them on the regular transferlist?

You'll have to wait until they are a certain age, which most probably will be higher than 17.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.58) as reply to (7391681.51)
To: -Redman- 22.11.2006 at 09:51
These coming futures, are they going to change the wage structure of the youth players?

A little bit too detailed to answer on at this moment.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.69) as reply to (7391681.60)
To: redberets_commandos 22.11.2006 at 09:57
when you will start the new YS, i will have the option to keep the old system?

Yes. It should also be kind of clear if you read the editorial.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.77) as reply to (7391681.61)
To: LA-Superjhemp 22.11.2006 at 10:05
Are the youth teams playing in national or international leagues? Can I play in a league with friends from different countries?

As I said, you can create your own series - meaning you can have a series with teams from different countries for example. ' Can we see the complete skills of the youth players when they are in the youth team? Or only a rough view over some skills?

I think the edtiorial says what can be said about that for now:

The youth players' skills will not be set in stone, they'll be floating. This means you'll have to explore your players and through match ratings see in which position they play the best. Skills will be more exact the more you train and explore your players, but exactly how good they are will first be known when you promote them to the senior squad. Except from the normal skills, youth players will also have values for potential and character.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.82) as reply to (7391681.65)
To: _4mol 22.11.2006 at 10:08
why not move everyone on the new youth squad system ?

Because there are Hattrick users who don't want to put that much more time into Hattrick, and we shouldn't force them.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.83) as reply to (7391681.68)
To: beppozh 22.11.2006 at 10:09
If it's correct, would this talent only apply as long as the player are in the youth center, or also when they come out to the A-squad ?

Senior squad players will remain exactly like today. So talent only apply for youth players.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.85) as reply to (7391681.70)
To: Freakin 22.11.2006 at 10:10
Will the pricesystem be continued? I mean, will there be an 5000/10000/20000 option?

As the editorial says, you'll pay for each scout you want - so in a way, yes.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.92) as reply to (7391681.72)
To: de_coeur 22.11.2006 at 10:12
To Ht-Tjecken, how big will be the wages of the scouts? About the same as all personnel or a lot bigger, like 20k/week each?

Too detailed to answer on.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.98) as reply to (7391681.74)
To: Zosete 22.11.2006 at 10:16
Can you alternate between them easily???

Not alternate, but you should be able to change if you like (not every day, or every week - but some time at least). Exactly how that will work is not decided yet though.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.99) as reply to (7391681.75)
To: ZoftWero 22.11.2006 at 10:16
Are there any plans of REMOVING the OLD Youth System in a near or medium future?


Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.103) as reply to (7391681.76)
To: Elchaeffo 22.11.2006 at 10:17
could youth players get an injury in the friendly game?

Sure. It's not like teenagers don't hurt themselves or are famous for having a calm temperament. :)

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.133) as reply to (7391681.89)
To: Borderliner 22.11.2006 at 10:35
1 Managers can choose (at least in the beginning) if they want to use the new system or the old one.


2 If you choose the new one, you are unable to sell your youths for some time


3 This will result in a lot less youth players in the market, giving the old system a financial benefit which may be countered as I understand with better chance of better players in new system.
Is that a right assumption?

Pretty much, yes. Most likely there will be less youth players in the game as you probably will not promote a youth player to your senior squad every week. On the other hand, the players you choose to promote will in general be better. And as said in the editorial, players from the new youth system will in general be better as they can get better secondaries.

4 How long will this old system continue?

Indefinately I think.

6 How do you get 11 youth team players if you do not invest in new system (or even if you do)? Or can 17-19 year olds also play?

If you don't use the new system you can still use the old one (or none). If you use the new system you will not be able to use the old one. Until you're able to fill your youth squad (in the new system) with 11 players, you will be able to pick up the "neighbours' kids" or something (ie dummies which will be equally bad).

7 You cannot see the skill of these 15-16 year olds. Until they are promoted. Do you just put them somewhere to see how many stars he gets?

You'll see something, just don't the exact skills and not the way senior players are presentated. Putting them somewhere on the pitch and see how many stars he got is not going to be a bad idea however.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.138) as reply to (7391681.93)
To: zwmbakonio 22.11.2006 at 10:36
Are Hattrick capable to support the charge of the matches of youngs?

No, but we'll do it anyway. ;)

Seriously, we will of course make sure we can support these matches and have the necessary servers etc ready.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.151) as reply to (7391681.141)
To: Nomad79 22.11.2006 at 10:51
how many of those "youth matches" will be played in one week?

It will be one youth match each week. Either a match in the series or a friendly.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.154) as reply to (7391681.150)
To: Darkhooligan 22.11.2006 at 10:54
could it be, that @ the begin of a new season, there will be 17 year old players, that are higher then excellent.?

No. We will not change the old youth pull system at all, and it's also said in the editorial that players in the new system will not be better in one skill (but may have better secondaries) than a player from the old system.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.167) as reply to (7391681.156)
To: emonch 22.11.2006 at 11:02
I am asking if the scouts are going to give me more players to put in the youth squad or to promote from the youth squad to the senior team

Scouts look for youth players who may fit in your youth team.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.183) as reply to (7391681.158)
To: Reinier_ 22.11.2006 at 11:08
1. If a club choses to use the new YP-system, scouted players are around 15. They can be promoted at a minimum of 17years old. Does that mean in those 2 years/seasons, u only play the new system, and having each week 1 youthplayer promoted in your youthsquad?

Just to be clear, I've never said how old a youth player in the new system must be in order to be promoted to the senior team. But yes, for some seasons in the beginning you will only play the new system and find youth players for your youth team.

2. Does that also mean, that u cant sell any YP for 2 at least years/seasons? (so you're only paying scouts and paying pulls and not having any YP-income)

For some seasons you'll not be able to sell any youth players, yes.

4. Your A-squad will still be able to play on sundays and wednesdays right?

Yes, of course.

The rest of the questions are either already answered or too detailed to answer on.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.192) as reply to (7391681.164)
To: tdjager 22.11.2006 at 11:13
1. In the announcement there is said that if you have a young striker that has reached the cap of his scoring skill you can choose to train him on passing. (I read the dutch version so i hope you understand what i mean)

Does this mean that you can define individual training types for every youngster in the youthsquad?

The points can be distrubated on different stuff, including individual stuff. Normal traning can not.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.195) as reply to (7391681.165)
To: Riisx 22.11.2006 at 11:15
Or - how important will be a match in the series?

Depends on how much you want to win the series and beat your friends... For training of youth players there's no difference.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.198) as reply to (7391681.168)
To: rrking 22.11.2006 at 11:16
it seams that by using new system manager will always have a 17yp, does it mean that something is going to be changed in old yp system?

False. I think you better read the thread again.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.232) as reply to (7391681.171)
To: just_eu 22.11.2006 at 11:29
2. the growth of the youngsters will depend only the type of training and talent, or there will be other factors as well(position in that week match)?

The position in that week's game will matter, as always.

4. Will the result of the youth matches affect in any way the club finances(like income from tickets)?

I'm not that sure fathers and mothers pay anything to watch their kids play. :)

7. Will the team spirit of the senior squad affect the midfield of the youth squad?


8. Will the youth players have a salary that is going to be paid?

Not sure yet. But if they do, I guess we will cover that cost with income from selling soda and homebaked cakes. :)

10. If you have some scouts, and they present each of them one player/week from which you are able to accept only one player, what will you know about the presented players?(except name:D)

They will provide you some basic info so you'll be able to make a decision.

The rest of the questions will remain unanswered for now.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.236) as reply to (7391681.174)
To: Exulans 22.11.2006 at 11:31
Will the matches with the youth team generate flags so it will be possible to get two flags per week?

Honestly, we haven't thought about flags at all. I guess they'll get a separate department if so.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.243) as reply to (7391681.188)
To: jillyjones 22.11.2006 at 11:33
Will skill levels continue to show in word matter such as solid,passable,magnificent and so on?Hope so. hopw it wont be numeric as other crappy online games

Numeric? Will never happen. Numbers are boring, words are divine.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.266) as reply to (7391681.212)
To: Hbesh 22.11.2006 at 11:49
will there be a diffrent between III and VII youth players?

No, that wouldn't be fair.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.268) as reply to (7391681.231)
To: ftarr 22.11.2006 at 11:51
(for ex: if I promote to A-Team a player with solid scoring (the max reachable as a youngster) can I train him on scoring??


Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.271) as reply to (7391681.237)
To: gergin 22.11.2006 at 11:52
It is too early to say that new system will work better than old one, but I see one great advantage - will have 1 more competative game weekly. But I dont like the idea my money for YS to be wasted. So at first glampse I`d like to do this:

Will get some new system young boys, just to fill my young squad, and then will return to old system.

So one question : Can I still play young team matches if I do this?

You either choose the new system or the old system. You can't mix them.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.274) as reply to (7391681.240)
To: vlupin78 22.11.2006 at 11:53
But we must to pay only for the player that we accept or to pay for all youth players that rejects before accept one??

You pay for the sqouts, not for the player.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.276) as reply to (7391681.250)
To: Donghua 22.11.2006 at 11:54
Would it be possible to link several Youth Team leagues so you could use a Relegation and Promotion system between two leagues or more?

Not in the first version at least.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.296) as reply to (7391681.270)
To: asafe 22.11.2006 at 12:05
That is, a certain age is a set age

You will not be able to promote someone before a certain (set) age, and not after another certain (set) age.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.309) as reply to (7391681.273)
To: sciarab 22.11.2006 at 12:12
Every season (excepted the first 1-2-3 seasons, of course, when you will have no youths) each team at the first week of the season will have some 17 years old (say 4-5-6-7, depending on how many 16 years old he has trained the last season). Then he will promote them (I suppose one for week, like now, is it correct?), and then there will be no new 17 years old players till the next season.

So we will have on the market a lot of 17 years old players in the first 2-3 weeks of every season and quite zero in the second half of the season. Is it correct?

Ok, here we go with the 17 year olds again. I repeat this again: It's not been said that you will (or will not) be able to promote 17 year olds. Apart from that, I think the market will take care of your concern itself. If all ppl will promote youths the first week, then the prices will fall and you'll get less paid. Moreover, you'll still be able to train the youth player in your youth squad after the first week. And finally, you'll not promote a youth player to the senior team every week.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.312) as reply to (7391681.273)
To: Everyone 22.11.2006 at 12:13
I think most questions that can be answered have been answered now. I'll of course continue to read this thread (and answer on things I can answer on), but if you don't recieve an answer on your post the question is either already answered or something I can't answer on right now.
Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.340) as reply to (7391681.311)
To: Civilmario 22.11.2006 at 12:36
I assume that this meens that talent will apply for all youth players regardless if you choose to use the new or the old system?

Sorry, I should've been more precise. Talent only apply for youth players in the new system.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.342) as reply to (7391681.317)
To: PaperoPazzo 22.11.2006 at 12:37
you mean that it would impossible or unprofitable?


Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.353) as reply to (7391681.344)
To: ZoftWero 22.11.2006 at 12:49
Are you angry with us for being such a dumb crowd of minds just trying to break you with tons of questions that we already know Wont be answered as we want?

Not at all, I'm just trying to tell you why you perhaps don't get an answer. No matter how hard I try I will not be able to answer them all unfortunately.

Do you enjoy to cause so much expectative around the globe with just a few words? What is like to be so powerful?

It's fun to see all these expectations, which I also share with you. So yes, I enjoy it and I also hope to catch something up which might fit for the future etc. But powerful? I certainly don't feel powerful.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.806) as reply to (7391681.557)
To: YOTTA-KING 22.11.2006 at 14:30
Could you specify a bit more what you mean by calling the new YS system time consuming? Does it just take some more minutes per week (like checking for new players, setting line-up, etc.) or are we talking hours here?

I think that will depend from what kind of user you are. I mean, some Hattrik users spend 30 minutes per week on Hattrick today and some spend several hours a day. I think it will be something similar here, it depends on how deep you want to dig.

Hattrick is a simplistic game overall, so this feature will be simplistic too. But it will not be the exactly "same" simplicitity, it will be slightly different. A game in the game one can say, a game which is not that different from the normal game - but not completely the same either.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.807) as reply to (7391681.572)
To: LA-AmonRaZZ 22.11.2006 at 15:09
2) You plan to "create a stronger bond with your youth players". How is the announced solution better than, say, having reduced wages, say to 90%, for players born at one's YS?

Bonds are made out of feelings, not out of money. (You're talking about having a economic benefit for your own youth players, but that's something else imho)

3) "How youth players develop and how good they can be should be less predictable than today". That could be achieved more simply by slightly randomising training, as it is today. It already is so for SP, stamina, and general, it would not be a revolution. Why is the announced solution better?

Having another form of "if a train this solid guy for one season he'll be formidable" wasn't really something we wanted, nor did we want to slightly increase the random factor in the "old" training. We wanted something that should be more unpredictable, but where your choices didn't meet a random factor.

4) "The game engine for youth matches [...] will be slightly different". Why?

Why not? ;) Because it will be somewhat needed for the training system, and some other stuff.

5) "You'll only be able to pick up one youth player per week, so if you accept the first offer you'll not see any other offer and if you dismiss the first offer you'll not be able to accept it later." That's almost exactly the coach hiring method used some 10 seasons ago. Why was it bad for that, and changed, and is good for this?

I don't think it's comparable really. Now you'll only get X (number of scout) chances every week = a limited number of chances where you have to think every time if it's something to keep or if you can get a better one.

The old coach hiring system could go on and on and on, and was completely random. Secondly, a good coach is quite important in Hattrick so the old system was far from perfect. But still, it had its moments too I think.

Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.818) as reply to (7391681.808)
To: artod 22.11.2006 at 16:03
So there is a random factor in the "old" training, apart from stamina and general?


Keywords: (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7391681.819) as reply to (7391681.812)
To: LA-AmonRaZZ 22.11.2006 at 16:06
You say that I am "talking about having a economic benefit". Possibly you think that's my point, after all I currently have 14 players out of my youth squad.

Nope, I was just commenting that bonds aren't about economics. I was not dissing your suggestion at all. :)

Keywords: (Youth Academy)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.2) as reply to (7831771.1)
To: HT-Tjecken 08.01.2007 at 14:02
Reply to (7831762.3)

I'm thinking to stop whit my 20k for my youtplayers but whil that be a problem for the new youtplayer selection next season if I stop whit the 20K money now?


And when will whe get more info of the new way of the youtplayers?

Prior to the release. :)

For other questions and answers about the new youth system, see (7391681.1). Other questions about it will have to wait until the release.

Keywords: (Youth Academy Training)
From: HT-Tjecken (10664071.13) as reply to (10664071.3)
To: AJ1815 8.2.2008 at 10:22
I read on our youthacademy forum that people got trainingmessage with [level] in there instead of the real level. And then I literaqlly mean "[level]" instead of inadequate or apssable or whatever.

Is that a bug that still needs to be sorted out?

Hmm, yes.

Keywords: (Youth Academy Training)
From: HT-Tjecken (10664071.14) as reply to (10664071.5)
To: ftarr 8.2.2008 at 10:24
How about our understanding? If I have a PRODIGIOUS guy, now the coach/scout are going to give me different news?

Nope, old comments stay as they are, there's nothing we can do about them.

Second question: the change is immediately available? I have the training report this evening, I will read the new style?

Yep, new style.

Keywords: (Youth Academy Training)
From: HT-Tjecken (10664071.17) as reply to (10664071.6)
To: Rahvean 8.2.2008 at 10:27
"Trainers will report less skill increases"

Does this mean that not all skill increases will be reported??????

Exactly. As you now will get more info, we weren't that excited about reporting all skill pops as it would only cause the market to be flooded with low solids.

Keywords: (Youth Academy Training)
From: HT-Tjecken (10664071.20) as reply to (10664071.15)
To: AJ1815 8.2.2008 at 10:36
So teams getting trainingsmessages now will get bugged ones with no real information?

Will it be easy to repair or will that take some time (hours/days/weeks)?

Easy to repair, will be fixed during the afternoon. And as I understood it, in the already processed training reports the [level] will be written out with the real level (passable etc) when this bug is sorted out.

Keywords: (Youth Academy Training)
From: HT-Tjecken (10664071.22) as reply to (10664071.18)
To: ftarr 8.2.2008 at 10:36
Which type of comment from the scout we will receive instead of "this is a prodigious guy"? How the coach will change the message "this is the best talent in your team?"

There are no new scout comments, but he'll give you more of the other (current) ones.

Keywords: (Youth Academy Training)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.90) as reply to (7831771.1)
To: HT-Tjecken 28.05.2007 at 16:16
Reply to (8995830.20)

From the rules:
You can choose to train the same thing (for example defending) as both primary and secondary training, but the training effect will be bigger if you choose two different training types.

Are e.g. Defending and Defensive positions two different training types in this context?

Yes, they are.

Keywords: (Youth Academy Faces)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.100) as reply to (7831771.1)
To: HT-Tjecken 23.08.2007 at 16:55
Reply to (8995830.355)

this might be a severe topic..
I recently noticed some obscure things going on in the youth academy!

I dont think that too many kids are so precocious at the age of 15, but no player of the youth-academy has got a beard! not the 17 or 18yo players either!

but what wil be later? when they are picked for the a-squad? or when they celebrate their 20th birthday? will they still stay beardless then? will nobody grow a beard anymore?

Or is now growing a beard for players even prohibited by the HFA as well? :D

Our first plan was to make it mandatory for youngsters to have pimples. :)

We had thoughts about making a special set of faces for youths, and that thought is not all abonded. But we soon realized that such a feature wouldn't make it to the first version, after all it wasn't the most important thing. So, we postponed youth faces for the future and for the time being we'll have to live with our bearded youth "aliens".

Keywords: (Youth Academy Pops)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.102) as reply to (7831771.1)
To: HT-Tjecken 31.08.2007 at 14:49
Reply to (8995830.369)

When my youthplayer pops, does my trainer always tell me?

As of now it's very likely that he tells you, but you can't be 100%. We will however change this so the trainer always tells you when a youth player pops.

Keywords: (Youth Academy), (Training Reports)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.106) as reply to (7831771.105)
To: Everyone 07.09.2007 at 23:45
Bad, bad, bad Tjecken has had a rough week, and no answers here. Lets change that!

Reply to (8995830.738)

There is a with spread rumor that YA coaches only tell you when GKs are ready to be promoted. No one seems to have ever got a message like this for an outfield player. Can you confirm that outfield players get this sort of messages as well?

Outfield players should get that too yes, and I know my trainer was on repeat every week about one of my defenders being ready to be promoted while we tested it, and nothing has changed in that code for the worse.

This could also be related to outfield players having several skills to improve on, while keepers have just one. Rumours are evil so I better check this up even if I believe this rumour is bogus.

Keywords: (Youth Academy), (Experience)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.109) as reply to (7831771.1)
To: Everyone 08.09.2007 at 00:05
Reply to (8995830.605) .

Will the chosen league (regional, national, international) influence the players early experience in different ways or will the experience start counting after the kid is promoted to the A-squad?

These youngsters don't know what experience is. :)

So why am I seeing players with wretched experince being pulled from the new ys?

As soon as youth academy players are promoted to the senior team the hard life starts, and learning about their lack of experience is one of the ingredients in their new life.

Keywords: (Youth Academy)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.114) as reply to (7831771.20)
To: Everyone 24.09.2007 at 21:06
Reply to (8995830.849)

Is Youth Academy working as intended?

Ie. is it producing players equal in quality to Youth Squad but more multi-skilled? Is it even producing similar players than YS? Evidence points to YA pulls being clearly inferior to YS pulls.

Both yes and no.

The Youth Academy players are suffering from their managers being too impatient. Managers are so eager to get a fine 17 year old but very few players are actually ready to be promoted at that age - so their impatience and greed hit them right back in the face. In the old youth system fantastic 17 year old players are very rare and that's still the case (but in theory the new system opens up for more (multiskilled)). This is a big problem indeed, but on the other hand it's not the only answer to this problem. I do believe that youth academy players' non-trained skills are too low when promoted to the senior squad, because you can't really train them all.

But even if we increase the probability to get higher skill levels on non-trained skills we still have the problem with managers' impatience, and to do something about that I think we need to educate them better. Ie make them understand that their players not necessarily should be promoted as soon as they turn 17. The best way of doing this is perhaps to make the whole youth academy feature easier, as I think it's too hard today. I think making it somewhat easier will also make it funnier to use/play. This is something we will look into more thoroughly the coming season(s), right now we're quite busy working on the promised 'multiskill changes'.

Keywords: (Youth Academy Training)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.118) as reply to (7831771.117)
To: Everyone 03.10.2007 at 18:24
Reply to (8995830.942)

Is the secondary training working in the Youth Academy?


Keywords: (Youth Academy), (Youth Squad)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.121) as reply to (7831771.1)
To: Everyone 18.10.2007 at 09:54
Reply to (8995830.953)

Now it is possible for teams to invest in both youth systems. And promote players to the academy or to the main team each week.

It will be possible to invest in both systems forever or in a near future teams have to choose between the two systems?

I can't promise that it will be possible to use both systems in all eternity, but right now we have no plans to change this or even put it on the agenda for the future.

Keywords: (Youth Academy Training)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.122) as reply to (7831771.1)
To: Everyone 18.10.2007 at 18:19
Reply to: (8995830.987)

the YA training report, is there a quota on hints the trainer will tell me?

as I have a keeper which my trainer tell me to train him everyweek, but I do not need a keeper but i still play in on pitch everyweek, my friend said that will decrease the messages that the trainer reports to me (because everyweek he speak the same hint: train the keeper, which is a big hint in my squad)

do I get more hints if I stop playing that keeper (or in general, players that have good potential but I do not train)

Your YA trainer will tell you if you got talented players in your squad who can be good to train, or if they benefit from another type of training than the one you've chosen. Still you need to make a decision what (and which players) to train as you can't train them all - if you don't choose the 'individual' training type of course. But to answer your question: Yes, in general you will get more hints if you got players with good potential which you don't train.

Keywords: (Youth Academy Update)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.129) as reply to (7831771.1)
To: Everyone 15.11.2007 at 17:53
Reply to (10070922.13)

Are there plans to improve/change/repair youth academy in the near future (eg. within three saisons)?

Yes. More information about YA improvements will be out during this season.

Keywords: (Youth Academy Training)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.135) as reply to (7831771.20)
To: Everyone 30.11.2007 at 17:55
Reply to (10070922.334)

Does "defencing positions" training works the same way in the youthacademy as with the senior team >>> does keepers also got defendingtraining with this training in youth?


Keywords: (Youth Academy Training)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.137) as reply to (7831771.1)
To: Everyone 05.12.2007 at 13:48
Reply to (10070922.344)

I have a related question: Would a youth academy goalie receive normal, full "Defending" (not "Defensive positions") training if he is played as a regular defender? Or are there training limitations for goalies played in an outfield position?

A youth keeper will recieve training in all outside positions (as long as he hasn't reached his potential in that skill of course)

Keywords: (Youth Academy), (Individual Training)
From: HT-Tjecken (7831771.142) as reply to (7831771.141)
To: Everyone 07.12.2007 at 11:24

About the individual training in YA. I'm discussing with other user about the following:

I think wingers will get trained in wing and half of playmaking. Wingbacks get trained in defense and half of winger. Other positions get trained only in main skill.

The other user thinks all players will get trained in all skills they need (including passing for example).

Who is right (or closer to be)?

None is 100% correct, but it depends on how you look at it. In detail individual training randomly picks one of the skils valuable for the position the player played in. The more important/valuable the skill is - the higher chance that skill is picked. A primary skill is more likely picked than a secondary for example.

If you look on individual training for one whole season or at least a number of weeks, then you will (in theory) get the about result you're talking about in your question: The primary skill (ex goalkeeping for goalkeepers) is trained more than the secondary skill (defending), but both have been trained.

How do we decide how important/valuable different skills are for a certain position? Well, we do know what the match engine says...

Keywords: (Youth Academy), (Scout reports)
From: flameron (12031752.7) as reply to (12031752.6)
To: beuzleclair 16.10.2008 at 22:41
- The scout will give the potential of one skill out of the three highest potential skills.

Done few months ago.

- The scout will give the current skill of one out of the three highest potential skills.

Done few months ago.

- The scout may indicate players that have good starting values in two skills. This could be called an indication for multi-skilled training candidates.

The sentences about overall are playing this role but they work in a different manner then the above description (as they used to work from the YA release).

- In some cases Speciality will be reported.

It seems to happen too often. Probably will be fixed.

- In some cases the Character value of the player may be reported.

Not implemented yet.

* The training reports will also be remodelled.

- The trainer will give the skill of one player in the team for every training type you choose. If you train scoring, the current scoring value of one player in the team will be reported. If you train the same in both primary and secondary training, you will receive data on one player only. There is also a chance that the best potential of this training type is reported.

Done, but the part about best potential is not implemented.

- If the gap between current skill and potential ("What is left to train") drops below one whole skill level, it will be reported. This notification may also be given when there are 2 or 3 levels left to train.

Up and running.

- You will get a chance to learn the total training type left on a certain player.

There is a typo in the sentence, its about time left to train and its working for several months

- If a player was trained but did not improve at all ("Reached his potential") this will always be reported.

Thats almost true. There is only one such sentence every week and if several players happen to reach their max potential only one will be reported. I hope we can fix that in the future so a player that got a report will not get another one unless no other player reached the cap.

- The trainer might tell you the Speciality of the player, or that the player has no Speciality.

Was implemented.

- The character of the player may be reported.

Not implemented.

Keywords: (Youth Academy), (Scout reports)
From: flameron (12031752.11) as reply to (12031752.10)
To: Kniff 16.10.2008 at 23:12
- In some cases the Character value of the player may be reported. (by the scout)

Not implemented yet.

- The character of the player may be reported. (by the trainer)

Not implemented. -- can you tell us, what was the reason that it seems you change your mind and give us no hints for the players character?

Lack of time to impelement the visualization of that as much more important projects are being in top priority.

Keywords: (Youth Academy), (Scout reports)
From: flameron (12031752.16) as reply to (12031752.13)
To: Kniff 17.10.2008 at 08:12
- The trainer will give the skill of one player in the team for every training type you choose. If you train scoring, the current scoring value of one player in the team will be reported. If you train the same in both primary and secondary training, you will receive data on one player only.

there are some training reports with two different training kinds, where only one and very few where no skill is reported.

Would it be better to say "The trainer CAN give ...." or is it a bug?

Yes, maybe its better. I think its something we would fix as well but I do not know for sure why it happens. My guess it is related to the chosen player getting injured or something like that. Can you confirm that?

Keywords: (Youth Academy), (Scout reports)
From: flameron (12031752.40) as reply to (12031752.39)
To: beuzleclair 18.10.2008 at 15:38
Is this function implemented ?

When a player is promoted, he will get a boost toward his maximum potential. This boost is dependent on age. 17 year old players will receive no boost at all, the older the player is the bigger the boost. This reflects that the player is more mature and better prepared to take on regular team action.

I ask you the question because some strategy can depend on it

It is implemented.

Keywords: (Youth Academy), (Scout reports)
From: flameron (12031752.43) as reply to (12031752.42)
To: Ken0bi 19.10.2008 at 22:32
Thanks for the info you have given us in this thread, much appreciated! I hope you can clarify one more thing.

- If a player was trained but did not improve at all ("Reached his potential") this will always be reported.

Thats almost true. There is only one such sentence every week and if several players happen to reach their max potential only one will be reported.

Does that also apply to this? - If the gap between current skill and potential ("What is left to train") drops below one whole skill level, it will be reported.

it is true for any report.

Keywords: (Youth Academy)
From: HT-Tjecken (12616307.14) as reply to (12616307.14)
To: JAM3SoN 5.3.2009 at 14:45
Please, rather than this do more important bugs(like 2-3 weeks old) YA league admin bug. It is more annoying than some kits :(

FYI: We're on that too, but I don't know when it will be fixed.

Keywords: (Youth Academy), (Youth Squad)
From: flameron (13095296.103) as reply to ()
To: Everyone 23.07.2009 at 21:39

YS and YA by nature are different. There is a choice in which to choose but we want you to choose according to your playing style and not according to a feel of "must". To do so, the main goal is to keep the systems aligned and balanced.

Thats the idea, but what is the definition of balance in two such different systems?

In one system there is skilled involved and in the other there is complete random. How do you even define balance in such case? Can you balance a lottery and a skill based system?

The main issue is that skill affects results in the YA. If that is the case, how would you make sure the skilled managers will not get huge profits guaranteed? How will you secure some revenues for the not skilled managers?

If the average profit is equal in both systems its quite obvious that more skilled managers will earn regularly more in the YA then the average user in the YS. That is an automatic vote for the skilled manager to use the YA. If the best YA managers can earn only the average profit in the YS it means that bad managers in the YA will earn less then they can in the YS, which means automatic vote for the bad manager to use the YS. Its quite obvious that any choice here will signal or "force" any user who wants to be the best which system he must choose.

After this short explanation of why the problem is not really solvable in a perfect way, I will explain the current situation which I think is quite good.

The YA is better in: 1. Ability to craft your own players. 2. Pull younger players. 3. Plan a head (for the cash to come)

The YS is better: 1. More players on any skill level (but older on average) 2. More profitable on average 3. Smaller variance (especially on the low end)

YA require luck and skill. To get the young pulls you need to get a young player. We design the system so the maximum skills of the YA are as if the player was created in the YS and add small boost to each skill, the lower it is the higher the boost on average (some random is involved). High skills get very small boosts even in extreme cases, so the limit on YA players is quite similar to the YS. In addition we made sure the total training speed is such that allow creation of similar amount of players in certain skill level from the average material given in the YA.

Luck in the YA is a bit different. You need to have a good player both in terms of maximum potential and starting skills and you need to have several players which may be trained on the same training regime. After that you need some skill to take advantage of the luck you got.

We see that the most luckiest and skilled managers in the YA are able to create similar revenue like the YS most luckiest managers. The distribution of profit on sale among the top 50K profitable clubs on each system is similar even though the YA have x3 more academies (but not all use 3 scouts). This means the better managers in the YA are able to create on average better revenue stream then if they used the YS. However, its hard to measure skill and luck in the YA to understand how much of the revenue is skill related and how much luck.

The main problem in the YA was that the average and even the above average managers made lower profits then the average YS could give, and by far less profits. This was mainly due to the difficulty in managing the YA. With the last improvement we saw some significant move to the YA and some improvement on profits in the YA. This seems to be a step in the right direction. As the maximum performance is limited by luck and hard limits (players maximum skill) the extra ease in managing in the YA is supposed to help mainly the worse managers.

Keywords: (Youth Academy), (Youth Squad)
From: flameron (13095296.104) as reply to ()
To: Everyone 23.07.2009 at 21:40
To sum things up I want to try and answer the questions raised by the thread starter and some others. The YA is for sure better in the ability to create 17 years old and 0 days players. However, overall this ability does not create better revenue stream. A good manager in the YA will probably (there is no way to prove this) make higher revenue in the YA, but the difference should not be huge. A bad manager in the YA is generating much less income then he could in the YS. We want to improve YA there.