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LoddarStats is an unofficial way to expresses the team strength with a single number, a rating. The easiest way to compare the strength of teams is to calculate a rating and then compare it to those of other teams. You can also create a ranking – an ordering of numbers from the strongest team to the weakest.

There are ratings analyzers (like Elo chess, Alltid Hattrick, HatStats, VnukStats and PStats and HTEV). The only officially rating is Power Rating.

Calculation method

LoddarStats turns out to be the most reliable formula, taking into account such a large number of variables.

Let's start with these assumptions:

  • The midfield is responsible only for the ball possession.
  • The attack is responsible for scoring chances.
  • The defense is responsible for preventing your opponent’s offense from realizing a scoring chance.


  • The better the midfield, the more chances your offense will have. Thus the offense seems to be better.
  • The better the midfield, the fewer chances your opponent’s offense will have. Thus the defense seems to be better.

Then the basic idea behind the rating is:

  • The higher the attack than the defense, the less important the defense will be.
  • The higher the defense is compared to the attack, the less importance the attack will have.
  • The central rating is more important than the side ratings.
  • The effects of tactics, CA, AIM, AOW must be considered.


The final value of the loddar is calculated by summing the defense strength and attack strength; this must be multiplied by the midfield strength and all re-normalized by multiplying by 80 (according to a function called HQ).

The final number is a normalized rating, so the difference of two close ratings becomes smaller as the ratings increase (between poor high and poor low there is more difference than between divine high and divine low).

HQ * [ ( defense strength + defense strength ) * midfield strength ]

The strength of the midfield
is obtained by normalizing the evaluation of the midfield according to a value between 0 and 1, which tends to zero with increasing values ​​of the midfield; the higher the midfield, the less it counts.
For the defense strength
it is necessary to relate one's attack with one's defense, then multiply one's evaluations with the field factors dependent on the area (center / side) and these factors depend on the tactics.
For the attack strength
the formula is similar, but the factor that is used to compare the attack must be added to the midfield and the whole must be multiplied by the evaluations with the field factors dependent on the area (center / side) and these factors depend on the tactics.

See also

It was used by CHPP applications: