Lineup substitutions
From the lineup rules: "If you don't have a substitute assigned to a certain position, or if the substitute is injured as well, one of the other substitutes will automatically get selected to play.
Other substitutes
The following contents are based on experience and/or research conducted by Hattrick users — which means that their veracity and accuracy have not been confirmed by any official statement, and consequently they do not necessarily reflect the game reality. Please take this into consideration!
Position | Subs. 1 | Subs. 2 | Subs. 3 | Subs. 4 |
Keeper | Defender | Inner midfielder | Winger | Forward |
Defender | Inner midfielder | Winger | Forward | Keeper |
Inner midfielder | Defender | Winger | Forward | Keeper |
Winger | Forward | Inner midfielder | Defender | Keeper |
Forward | Winger | Inner midfielder | Defender | Keeper |
Conditional Substitutions
Conditional Substitutions or just Substitutions, were introduced in Hattrick on the 10th of June 2008. There was an editorial presenting it to the public. There is also a section in the Rules dedicated to substitutions: Rules#Substitutions.
Originally the substitutions were only available in the youth academies for testing, before allowing the same functionality in the senior squads. On the 26th of january 2009 HT announced that substitutions were avaliable for the senior teams in the first league round in the new season, which was global season 38.
Up to five individual orders (#Substitutions and #Behaviour_Change) can be added to any youth game, but note that the limit of three substitutions is always present.
For each substitution you select the player who is leaving the pitch, and the player who will enter the pitch and then the #Behaviour of the new player. Then you add #Conditions for when or if the substitution will be performed.
Behaviour Change
A behaviour change is applied to a player already on the pitch. You select which player to change, the new #Behaviour and the #Conditions for when or if the change will take place.
- Inherit (Only for substitutions. Player will inherit substituted players behaviour)
- Normal
- Offensive
- Defensive
- Towards middle
- Towards wing
- Extra forward
- Extra inner midfielder
- Extra central defender
Condition 1 : After (time) :
- At any Time
- At a selected 5-minute mark between 5 and 115 minutes
- At Halftime
- Before extratime
Note that if you set a time the condition will be fulfilled at any time after that, when both Condition 2 and Condition 3 also holds true. Example: Condition 1 = 60th minute, Condition 2 = Down, Condition 3 = Ignore red card status. If the match is tied, and your opponent scores in the 73rd minute, the condition will then be fulfilled and the substitution or behavour change will then be performed.
Condition 2 : If (standings) :
- Any standing
- Match is tied
- In the lead
- Down
- In the lead by more than one
- Down by more than one
- If not down
- If not in the lead
- If in the lead by more than two
- If down by more than two
Condition 3 : If (cards) :
- Ignore red card status
- My player red-carded
- Opponent red-carded
- My defender red-carded
- My mf/winger red-carded
- My forward red-carded
- Opponent defender red-carded
- Opponent mf/winger red-carded
- Opponent forward red-carded