Training Notes

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The purpose of this section is to catalog Youth Academy training notes by type. There are basically eleven types of training notes:

  • Completed training notes
  • Anniversary notes
  • Skill pop-up notes
  • Current skill notes
  • Skill potential notes
  • Skill cap notes
  • Talent Search notes
  • Behaviour notes
  • Training problem notes
  • Unusually good game notes
  • Speciality notification

Completed training notes

A completed training note means that a player has reached his potential and will not see any more skill advances as part of the youth squad. You should strongly consider promoting the player to the senior squad.


  • -player- is working hard in the practice sessions, but he just doesn't seem to get much out of it. You need to decide if he should join the senior squad, or maybe tell him to start thinking about another career than football…
  • -player- claims the youth academy is holding him back! To be honest, I think he may be right…

Anniversary notes

A anniversary note means that the player has his birthday in the week of training:


  • -player- had his birthday this week, and his mother came over with a really tasty birthday cake for the clubhouse. What a nice gesture.
  • -player- wanted me to ask you if he could have a senior team contract for his birthday. I'm not sure if he was being serious or whether he was trying to make me look silly.
  • On a side note, it was -player-'s birthday this week. Time sure flies.
  • It was -player-'s birthday this week! The boys had a party, I made sure there was no alcohol involved of course.
  • -player- was in a great mood this week, I heard he had his birthday recently.
  • -player- had his birthday this week. Remember we can't keep the kids on the squad once they've turned 19 years old.
  • After one of the training sessions, we celebrated -player-'s birthday. How quickly they grow up, eh?

Skill pop-up notes

You receive a skill pop-up note from a player that pop a single skill. For instance, if a player pops from weak to inadequate, a training note is received.


  • -player- is improving his -skill- ability, I think the current training regime is worthwhile in his case.
  • -player- is an ambitious young boy, and I'm happy to say it is paying off. Especially with his -skill- ability, which has improved with training.
  • This week I can report that several players have improved their capabilities through training. A special mention for -player-, who has worked well on his -skill- skills.
  • This week I noticed that -player- has improved his -skill- ability.
  • -player- keeps developing, his -skill- ability is now better.
  • -player- had a good week, his -skill- has really improved lately.
  • -player- keeps developing, his -skill- ability is now -level-. It's good to know our work has had an effect.
  • This week I noticed that -player- has improved significantly. His -skill- ability is -level-. (Added in second step)

Current skill notes

For your primary skill training, your coach will inform you about the current level for one player who's played at least 45 min in a trainable position (= receiving more than very small (osmosis) effect).


Skill potential notes

Your trainer will report the potential of a player who's played at least 45 min in a trainable position.


  • I followed -player- during the game, and I would say he can be -level- at -skill- one day. (Added in second step)
  • When it comes to -skill-, -player- has the potential to become -level-. (Added in second step)
  • It’s not part of our current training focus, but you should know that -player- has the potential to reach -level- when it comes to -skill-. (Added in second step)
  • As we also train -skill- I studied -player- during the game. I think he can become -level- at that before leaving the academy. (Added in second step)
  • I know it may contradict your training plans, but it’s obvious that -player- can reach -level- at -skill-. (Added in second step)
  • I know we’re not really focusing on -skill-, but I couldn’t help noticing that -player- can reach -level- at that. (Added in second step)

Skill cap notes

These notes appear to suggest that a player has reached his limit in a given skill.


  • -player- is not going to respond to -skill- training any more.
  • I don't think the youth team is the right place for -player- any more. At least when it comes to -skill-, he's simply unable to improve any more.

Talent search notes

A talent search note is produced when you find a suitable training position for your player, or if the player's position is not adequate to his skills prospects.


  • I'm starting to realize that -player- is a diamond in the rough! Train him well and he will be your most valuable young player.
  • Try to find the right spot on the team for -player-, there is a lot of football in that kid.
  • Some good news about -player-, he is responding well to the -skill- training sessions.
  • -player- has responded well to the -skill- sessions we have organized this week. It's good to know our work has had an effect.
  • Don't change the -skill- training for -player-, it sure seems to be paying off at the moment!
  • I wouldn't say -player- is necessarily much of a player today, but in contrast to some of the other boys, he certainly has potential for improvement.
  • Mark my words, it would be a good thing to give -player- some -skill- training before it's too late.
  • -player- is undeveloped, but it could be worth giving him special attention in the training sessions.
  • If we consider both current skill and future potential, -player- is clearly one of the kids on the team that could have the brightest future.
  • Compared to his team mates, -player- has an exceptional maximum potential. (Added in second step)
  • -player-? Might not look too impressive yet, but at least he still has a good overall capacity to learn. (Added in second step)
  • -player- has responded well to the -skill- sessions we have organised this week and gained a level. (Added in second step)

Behaviour notes

A Behaviour note normally is about a specific problem or player characteristic. A very nervous or calm player can produce a Behaviour notes. Sometimes, specialties can be revealed by Behaviour notes.


  • -player- has a very long fuse, never really gets in a fight.
  • -player- is a stand up guy. I like him.
  • -player- has a very rough attitude, both on and off the pitch. That could get him into trouble.
  • You never see -player- taking a dive on the field. You've got to respect the kid for that.
  • -player- is such a fine young boy, never gives us any headaches in training. Loves his mother, too.
  • You can always trust -player- to give you his honest opinion about the situation in the team, that's valuable I think.

Training problem notes

A training problem notes normally means that a player cannot receive your actual training, or another training is more suitable.


  • When I see -player- on the practice ground, I can't shake the feeling that he really wants to train -skill- instead.
  • The current training is not the optimal one for -player-, what he really needs is to practice -skill-.
  • It's always OK for a player to hone multiple skills, but in the case of -player- it's obvious that a focus on -skill- sessions would be very productive.
  • Feel free to let your boys try different positions, but I really think you should try giving -player- some -skill- training, too.

Unusually good game notes

A unusually good game note is produced every time a player performance on a specific game is better for no specific reasons:


  • I'm sure you noticed that -player- had an unusually good game this week. Let's hope he can learn how to play more consistently at that level.
  • I liked the way -player- gave his everything in our last game. I hope to see him like that again sometime soon.
  • Did you see -player- in this week's game? He did really well, given his capacity.
  • -player- had a charmed game this week, I haven't seen him play that well before.
  • -player- had a great game this week, don't forget to mention that to him.
  • I hope you saw -player- play this week, he did one of his best performances in the team so far.
  • In this week's game, -player- played close to his potential. Very well done!
  • -player- had a delightful game this week, he fought harder than any of our other players.

Specialty notification

Sometimes your trainer will tell you that a player has a useful specialty


  • That lad -player- seems to have a love affair with the ball, it warms my heart to see it. {Technical}
  • I wouldn't want to be caught between -player- and a stray ball. This boy could bring down anyone. {Powerful}
  • We've got a natural header specialist in -player-. {Head}

Uncertain meaning

These messages could reflect a skill increase, or may simply report on a skill.


  • -player-? He's got some -level- -skill- skills.
  • -player- was involved in many situations today, showing us his -level- -skill- ability.

Hattrick Announcements

Here are some announcements that has been made regarding youth training.

Hattrick announces
Regarding youth reports 2009-04-06
We have recieved some reports about an occasional missed training event in the youth training reports. These events are missed for a reason. In each report your trainer gives you a skill report for a player for each of the training types you are using. However, if your trainer has already given you this report about the player, he'll keep his mouth shut as he hates to repeat himself. As a result you will not get any skill report (for that skill/training type) in that report.

We would also like to inform you that we're currently reworking the youth training reports. The aim is to make the reports more exciting, and also to make the whole youth academy experience better. We don't know exactly when this will be ready for release, but testing on Stage is not that far away.