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Hattrick.png This is an official Hattrick Editorial
originally published 2010-05-15 12:42:00 by HT-Johan

This month we have been running several surveys for our users - and a few more are planned. We'd just like to say thanks to those that have filled these out and explains a bit about why we are doing them.

It's important that we understand what matters to the community and what you think about the stuff that we are doing. While we can pick up on a lot of this through forums and when we meet you in real life, surveys are an excellent way of putting questions to larger groups.

This month, we are running several surveys in what we think is a better and more structured way. We are using a third-party service for the surveys that is easier and faster to work with, as well as very safe and anonymous. So far, we have sent surveys to two specific groups - very long-term users, and to users that recently have left Hattrick. Using the feedback from these two surveys, we will run a larger user survey later this season that goes into deeper detail about the game. We will mix surveys like this because we can't ask everything to everyone, and because the needs of certain users, such as newbies or non-Supporters, can be totally different from someone who has played for 7 years already.

While most of the questions in the surveys are multiple choice, it's also possible for you to enter free texts and to leave suggestions for improvement - this takes a lot of time to read, but we do! It gives us input both for things to improve in the game and to new questions for future surveys that may be more relevant.

Upcoming is also a new edition of the Global Football Monitor, which we have previously run in 2006 and 2008. This survey isn't about Hattrick, but about real world football and the World Cup 2010 specifically. The GFM is the largest football survey in the world, and in the past the results from the survey has been published in sports magazines all across the world. We think this is a nice way to show the real world out there that Hattrick exists and that we have a rather amazing community.

One more thing... which may be obvious. But surveys are of course totally voluntary, and if you are bothered by them just ignore it when you get the questions to fill it out. There's absolutely no obligation to do them, but we do appreciate it when you take the time to.