Hattrick Football Association

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The HFA or HTFA, an acronym for Hattrick Football Association, is a fictional organisation located somewhere in-between Sweden and Switzerland.

It is the most powerful and secret organization in the Hattrick world. No one knowns about operational headquarters location or official members and top management identity. All we know is that members are typically referred to by number rather than by name. The number indicates rank within the organisation.

Foundation and Purpose

This governative organ was founded before 2005 by HT-Tjecken, who is also its current spokeperson. HFA can be considered to all intents and purposes the governative body of the game even if not aligned to any nation or political ideology.

As Hattrick itself, it began as a small group of bureaucrats, but became a vast international organisation controlling despotically all leagues and also World Cups.

HFA also organise the Hattrick Masters as an interleague competition for football clubs. The cup format is nowaday contested mainly by the World Top Clubs Alliance as a competition in which the winner is determined exclusively by knockout matches.


The mysterious Mister Gustav sends a message to the world in My Office

All other associations must discuss their proposals concerning the game or send their requests to this association. Over the years the HFA has expressed its opinion or made decisions about:

Takings and seasonal expenses

How is HFA financed? It is responsable for paying world-wide prize to all leagues, cups and Masters champion. A lot of money is needed! The HFA accounting books are not available for consultation, but probably revenues are coming from a small percentage on transfer market agents fee and for sure from the 100% of World Cup ticket sale campaign (now you know in whose pockets all that money ends up).

Following the the HCB Controversy some claim that HFA directly controls the Hattrick Central Bank, others believe that both organs secretly share the same management.

What we know for sure is that the HFA is economically in "Divine very high" health and thanks to its enormous financial power it tyrannizes all other corporations. Associations in rivalry are currently trying to oust those privileged from their throne.


HFA has made famous announcements, published as HT-News messages and Editorials:

New Prize Money for League & Cup

The Hattrick Football Association (HFA) would like to announce that, starting this season, the prize money for league position and promotion will be raised. The prize money for the Cup will also be raised, but only starting next season. The new higher prize money reflects the HFA's ambition to better reward league positions in general, and promotion in particular.

- "We felt a significant raise was appropriate", says HFA spokesperson Bob Sunesson.

- "This makes league position count a lot more, which will give teams more to fight for deep into the season. It also sends a message that winning and promoting is always worthwhile for a team and should encourage them to go for a promotion if one is within reach."

For the league champion this season the new prize money will be 2 million euros, while the Cup winner will take home 1.5 million euros from next season. More details on the new prize levels for League and Cup can be found in our updated Manual.

Swapping series

This season's end HFA will allow some teams to swap series.
  • This swapping window will be open Thursday March 17 00:00 to Friday March 18 23:59 (HT-time).
  • You can only swap series if you play in div VII or lower and only if you play in the lowest division in your country.
  • You can only swap place with a bot team.

You swap place with a bot from series page of the bot, a link will appear after the bot team in the table. Note that you can only swap place with a bot team (having the "robot logo"), and not with an ownerless team which is not botified yet.

HFA will look into expanding this option for next season's end, to allow more teams to swap series.

New findings put a stop to really long injuries

At a press conference today, the Hattrick Football Association announced that we can now enjoy the first fruits of research done by the HFA Medical Research Institute.
  • We opened the research institute as we wanted to get better data about football injuries and what could be done to prevent them, the HFA spokesman said. We are now seeing the pay-off from our investments in this field, as the institute has discovered way to prevent really long injuries.
  • Thanks to these findings, we can confirm that injuries longer than +4 will no longer happen, the HFA spokesman continued. When a player gets injured, +4 is the longest the injury will be. We think this will be a real relief for all club doctors and managers.

Match order deadline

The Hattrick Football Association (HFA) has a new recommendation regarding the timing for submitting your match orders:

"Your match orders need to be submitted about 20 minutes before the game starts. Remember that the referee's watch may not agree with yours, so avoid last-minute orders wherever possible."

Therefore, make sure you submit your match orders in time. Namely, at least 20 minutes before the match starts. You may be able to submit later than that, but don't count on being able to.

U20 World Cup XV - Hosting Competition

This season the HFA is launching a new process to select which country will have the honour of hosting the next U20 World Cup!

Communities from around the globe get to work together and make a bid for their country. These bids need to be made as a website (a blog will do as well) explaining why YOUR country should be the next host of the U20 HT WC and what would make your event more interesting and engaging for the worldwide Hattrick community. The more involved your community is the better! Perhaps an HP article? An official logo? Mascots? Signs? Be creative! Show us what you can do!

Match reporters on time

Match reporters all over the Hattrick world have made a habit of being a little late to the games. Typically, it has been a few minutes into the game before the reporters have made it to the press box and started reporting, but rest assured - this sloppy attitude will not remain for much longer.

The Hattrick Football Association has been tutoring a whole new generation of reporters in good manners for a while now, especially regarding the importance of being on time for the match start. This new generation of reporters will make their first appearance in this week's friendlies as a test. If the test is successful, the new generation will replace the old sloppy reporters and you will no longer have to wait for the reporters to show up when watching your match live.

Speaking about being on time; please also make sure you submit your match orders in time - at least 15 minutes prior to the match start. Late match orders risk not being accepted by the match officials.

Bot to the bottom

The HFA (Hattrick Football Association) has decided to demote bot teams to the lowest possible division at this season’s end, and also to stop bot teams from promoting. Instead, some of you will promote "for free" and take their place higher up in the league pyramid.

The purpose with this change is to move bots to the bottom of the series system, and let all of you play higher up against each other. With this change most of you will play against more teams managed by real people instead of boring bots, which will spice up the competition as well as your manager life.

This new (and permanent) system will be in effect from this season's end, and be valid from division VI and down (bots in div V and up will continue using today's rules). Read on for all the details of this change.

Read the entire editorial here.

Transfer Market regulations

The Hattrick Football Association and the Player Union have signed a contract clause that regulates how often a player can be put on the transfer list. From next season on, you can't transfer list a player more times than he has played games for your team. This means a player must've played at least one game for your team to be listed at all. And if he's not sold and you want to list him a second time, he must've played at least 2 games etc. Homegrown players, youth pulls for example, can be listed at all times though.

- We have to remember that it's football we're playing and that it's people we're dealing with, HFA and PU said in a joint statement. While we want every manager to be able to make a buck on the transfer, we can't accept that players are being treated as simple goods in search for quick profits any more.

You shall not have more than 50 players

The Hattrick Football Association has decided to introduce a squad size limit next season (starting Jan 2009). This limit will be set to 50 players. If you have more than 50 players in your squad you will not be able to buy new players or promote youth players.

- "We felt some clubs were pushing the limit for what our administrative systems and personnel could, and should, cope with", commented a spokesman of the HFA about the decision to turn the old squad size recommendation into a more strictly imposed limit. He also added that even though the HFA will not force teams with larger squads to offload their players, the HFA can't be held responsible for any problems involving larger squads.

Rule change for National teams

The Hattrick Football Association has decided on a rule change for national teams. National teams will only be able to to enroll players (and coaches) from teams with a real owner. Players (but not coaches) will be put for sale (for 0 €) automatically if his team turns into a bot. The players must have played at least 3 caps for their active national team in order to be transfer listed though.

This rule is valid from now on. If you are a national team coach, please visit the national team conference for more detailed information.

Economical changes next season

The Hattrick Football Association announced some economical changes back in April. They have now decided on the final economical changes for next season, which starts next week:

– Stamina will be removed as a salary factor for your players. – Each specialist will cost you €1800 per week.

The HFA do not find it necessary to lower the sponsor income right now, so sponsor income will stay on the same level. They will however keep the option to reduce sponsor income open for the future, if it becomes necessary. The HFA would also like to remind you about that your fans’ mood will only partially reset (it will move halfway to the middle point) at season end from now on.

For details and motives about these changes, please read the editorial from April 22nd.

Experts predict new spectator behaviour

The Hattrick Football Association has published a press release about their findings after a spectator behaviour research:

First it's important to say that in general, teams will still get the same income from attendance even though the spectators will behave a bit differently from now on.

We already know spectators rather sit under roof in rainy and cloudy weather nowadays. Next to that, our experts in spectator behaviour also predict fans will be more reluctant to travel to see their team play away, they rather see their team at home instead. This means the attendance figures will depend much more on the home fans, and less on away fans. As a result, managers will be in better control over their own attendance and not be as “hurt” because the away fans are angry.

Teams may however notice a drop in maximum attendance, but we advise teams not to panic and demolish arenas before knowing exactly how their spectators will behave.

Christmas spirit in the Academies

The HFA has decided to allow youth players who turn 19 to stay in the Youth Academy for as long as the manager wants them to, but they will not be allowed to play any matches for their youth team.

- We just didn't have the heart to kick these youngsters out on the street with no place to live on their 19th birthday. It's almost Christmas after all...

Max three substitutions

The Hattrick Football Association (HFA) has ordered all their referees to allow only three substitutions in a match from now on, this to comply with FIFA rules. This means that teams receiving more than three injuries in a match will have to finish that match with a reduced amount of players.

Rumours say the relationship between the two football giants, HFA and FIFA, has been tense for many years and that this action to comply with international football rules has been more or less forced upon the HFA. The background to all this is that the HFA in the past has chosen to close their eyes when their referees have allowed more than 3 substitutions – something they’ve done since the start of the Hattrick league system – instead of reacting on this violation of football rules.

The new deal

In a press conference yesterday the Hattrick Football Association (HFA) announced some economic changes for next season.

First, they have agreed terms with a computer manufacturing company which will invest in the HFA, with the money going straight into the pockets of all Hattrick teams.

HFA has also signed a new contract with the Global Agent Organisation (GAO), a contract containing lower transfer agent fees.

The HFA has also decided to lower the interest on money in the bank.

A spokesperson for the HFA stated "We are very pleased to announce this new deal for next season, even though we will have to get back to you with more exact details later on. Hattrick's background economy is healthy, the amount of money per team is increasing and this new sponsorship deal will further improve the situation. We also hope the transfer market will get a positive injection from lower agent fees and lower interests."

Bankruptcy change

The Hattrick Football Association (HFA) has had enough of supporting players in bankrupted teams.

- As of September 11, 2006 we will no longer pay salaries to players in teams that have gone bankrupt, HFA's spokesperson says.
- This will of course mean that those players will leave their bankrupted teams and quit playing football since their teams cannot pay their salaries; but we don't see any reason for continuing to take the economical damage for teams going bankrupt.

National team players will however not quit if their teams go bankrupt. HFA will make sure they get transfer listed.

Wing Attack training problem

The Hattrick Football Association (HFA) has confirmed speculations regarding flaws in the recently introduced Wing Attack training scheme.

- There was a mistake on our part which has led to players not receiving the correct amount of training. They have also experienced form loss, says the HFA spokesperson. - We deeply regret any problems this may have caused managers, but unfortunately we can not undo these effects. New training instructions has now been printed and distributed to all teams, making sure the correct procedures are followed in the future.

Tricky youth players

In the last few days, the trainers in Hattrick have been confused. They've had problems with youth players that have been hard to estimate their market values of. The trainers have been sent to a course by HTFA [sic] to ensure that they should be able to estimate market values correct in the future. All trainers should have completed the course within a week.

HFA is basically just used to reflect real-life football by the HT's as another "fun" element in the game. The HT's use it to make announcements about the game and other features that need addressing as seen above.