Census Draw Winners

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Hattrick.png This is an official Hattrick Editorial
originally published 2006-07-04 18:38:00 by HT-Johan

In May, we performed two big user surveys among all our users. One was the Global Football Monitor, which included general football questions about the World Cup in Germany, while the other – and more important one – had to do with Hattrick, with your feelings about the game, the site and the community.

In May, we performed two big user surveys among all our users. One was the Global Football Monitor, which included general football questions about the World Cup in Germany, while the other – and more important one – had to do with Hattrick, with your feelings about the game, the site and the community.

As a “Thank You” to everyone that participated in these two surveys, we will be giving away 250 Hattrick-themed products to an equal number of lucky winners. We have randomly selected 250 users that completed both surveys and we will contact them individually through Hattrick and their registered e-mail to make sure we have the correct mailing address for the delivery. The survey prize this time will be a Hattrick-branded mouse pad, as well as a similarly Hattrick-marked USB memory key.

Remember, we will contact you all individually, through your Hattrick mail or by your registered e-mail on Hattrick, so there is no need to contact us. Just relax and we will make sure you get your gift.

Here is the list of winners!

papamarcello, OORBAN, Don_Hoeness, Tazzzz, Hiepenhagen, hunmanu, Don-andpapas, alverman82, TheBarney, lolxir, Sargarepatorta, mgmuras, Moska, Psgforever, Sick_SouL, gambitao, Loven, galvin, dunck, ChefJef, joaodecastro, jonath, dede81, rui_acoreano, BD-sizif, vinici, wolfer, 10040, pray_forever, Roeliscool, Tatotto, freshclotz, Tang84, wausley, bejko, sythor, Thijsco, JC_76, Hachou, toniomos, SamSemilia, Kampfkoloss, Guillotes, Agarob, Black_Bean, Clade, ottoboy, martinlind, Landomir, andoni23, Xrocetoxtos, Rangernacht, MATIAS1, Budweg777, Jogi38, ingroy, bolo96, Parion, alvarezw1, fcdetukkers, Pellele, jennih, conde_cadista, levakaaryle, yadle, tulur, maverieck, grovert, chrisxtian, Nick-CT, kakaracha, nickej70, giger, _keysersoze_, Boghetta, Grimaux, DeSloperdt, Spooky73, noeden, coachkalle, ricarbonero, ledi32, dav_mon, luta16, SteLu, SchleiferMagath, Fata1Attack, brunobuko, cambe, Speiche, setobcn, Nanom, Jackys, pgvtb, emhala, ErnestoG, vpboehm, ER-Kompany, eltercerlugar, Ruben33, nessuno, viper_g9, Joniboy, stan102, shOO_Ufa, allezlasse, Wyra1, carfont, haeberlinio, MKSfan, shivaskunk, temporeality, Don_Marcz, rio2005, andyfines, Sanix, repoc, Poures, Ronaldthetable, cyberpingas, Dr_Moerser, rogerrogers, ghurka, rudi_16, Yanette, Dragonnewbie, surfero, pietro_luigi, haha93, donxpfed, karolbork, bijragger, GIlandro, Koebi-National, Koos-naamloos, bundy7, deuheldigehelte, olarick, DJ-Mlodzian, Big-Apple, enf_director, Perecisima, serator, cobej, Zigmas, ml1980, rufo86, stefane30, rononino, JULIETA_LUZ, --AJ--, QueenAdreena, JUNIOR_174, tomek_rozycki, Meletta, Sheltox, JuhaI, konioldinio, horo123, bad_rabbit, muanamke, Tanito_Lopez, nuttybongo, blg_walker, TheArjan, ale10, ElTripon, johnsnij, Herzschmerz, llleo, Harup, Buffonero, Vollborn, Bergfred, Lizak, Fredrik_09, DIONISOS, Vitor_Chacal, DOLBA, konstantin78, pergocrema, drogba08300, barog, Mononen, MikelSA, Pastyccino, theRabbit, jacob_f, Scagazzinho, Etcheverry, ayoyote, el_gusy, CT_Konrad, robire, pepe4570, Hempi, felaip, neo_ejrl, BIILVOX, PeniRafatez, Waxter, frlomalu, toeff, hAcivestnab, bisterbosy, charlyboy, Black-Death, chockman, Korddler, zakkeus, allanp, arthur38, shpreenten, pfopfi1993, tiger1986, Rodendack, _Paulus_, Archer, Duima_Malby, giank, bkobi, Beanny182, sjiekken, sepperi75, Chirlu, Murawski, thaguiar, Thomber, zbiks, messerschmitt, -Riky-, Anma_82, ntadic, rody9999, stajp, chao33, george_pao, thyf77, Skiris, andremoreira, Szeles, sir4l3x, PsaRi, ranb03, ivofun, chrkelle, fefev, Mafaldina, Ludeman, SpRNaz