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Achievements are intended to give every user a better gaming experience. Everyone in the game receives points for different things he/she has achieved in the game like founding a federation, buying/selling a player, writing a forum post and climbing up the rankings.
The feature was introduced at the beginning of global season 31 (December 2006). The number of achievements and related points has changed over time, and at first it was even kept secret to increase the community participation. On the 16th of September 2009, the achievements lay-out was changed and it was possible to see the different levels for each achievement.
After a minor fix in the immediately following seasons, achievements and point have remained unchanged for "eons" since the season 78 revival (July 2021).
Manager's achievements list is in the user page in the "Latest achievements" box on the right (the "see all" link).
List of Achievements
Users had to seek for new achievements and then make public on the forum those that had been discovered. Only after they have all been discovered, a full list of achievements was officially made visible by Hattrick Team. This proved something unknown. For example, that the maximum average rating for average rating achievements was magical (18) (the only one never achieved) and that it was worth 70 points; or that there were unlocked rewards on star and federation achievements.
There is a total of 44 achievements: 34 main achievements, 10 extra achievements.
The maximum points a manager can collect is 1343: 1053 for main, 10 for extras. |
Only one achievement gives no points: it is the "Milestone" Manager's extra achievement, introduced on August 2017 as a gift to the user during the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the game.
17 achievements, 546 collectable points
The vintage ones
- Cash is king (35 points)
- I want you (10 points)
- Get out of here (10 points)
- Practice makes perfect (10 points)
Player's skill increased (stamina, form and experience are not included).
- Play the Lottery (10 points)
Scouted a new player.
- Let’s do this again (10 points)
- I want you back (10 points)
- Investment return (10 points)
- All that skill (80 points)
Total TSI of the squad exceeded X (8 ranks). 2 000 000+ = 80 pts 1 500 000+ = 65 pts 1 200 000+ = 50 pts 600 000+ = 30 pts 300 000+ = 20 pts 160 000+ = 15 pts 80 000+ = 10 pts 30 000+ = 5 pts
- We’re so loved (50 points)
Fan club size exceeded X members (4 ranks). 3 500+ = 50 pts 3 000+ = 30 pts 2 000+ = 15 pts 1 000+ = 5 pts
- Climbing the ladder (100 points)
- Great Cup Season / Cup Heroes (70 points)
Get as close as you can to winning the National Cup (7 ranks). Final = 70 pts Semi-Finals = 60 pts Quarter-Finals = 50 pts Round of 16 = 40 pts Round of 32 = 30 pts Round of 64 = 20 pts Round of 128 = 10 pts
First level is reached if you win when there are 7 rounds left, then you gain one level for each round closer you get. Last level means you won the Cup.
The modern ones
- Great Cup Streak (70 points)
- Official Business (16 points)
- Shut-Out Season (15 points)
- Entry Denied (20 points)
X clean sheets in official matches. (5 ranks) 64 matches = 20 pts 32 matches = 16 pts 16 matches = 12 pts 8 matches = 8 pts 4 matches = 4 pts
Higher ranks are given as you achieve more clean sheets.
- Local Delicacies (20 points)
Players raised in your team have played at least 3 matches for a national team. (4 ranks) 16 matches = 20 pts 8 matches = 15 pts 4 matches = 10 pts 1 match = 5 pts
U21 or senior. More players with caps leads to higher ranks.
10 achievements, 335 collectable points
The vintage ones
- Veteran lineup (35 points)
The average age of your starting lineup is over 35.
- Youthful lineup (35 points) Only full years, not days, are taken into account for this achievement.
- Academy lineup (35 points)
- Home-grown lineup (25 points)
All players in your starting lineup originate from your own club and the average age is over 18.
- Friends from abroad (10 points)
Played an international friendly match.
- Star collector (100 points)
- We’re so good (63 points)
Team reached an average match rating of X (15 ranks). magical (18) = 63 pts mythical (17) = 56 pts extra-terrestrial (16) = 50 pts titanic (15) = 44 pts supernatural (14) = 39 pts world class (13) = 34 pts magnificent (12) = 29 pts brilliant (11) = 25 pts outstanding (10) = 21 pts formidable (9) = 17 pts excellent (8) = 14 pts solid (7) = 11 pts passable (6) = 8 pts inadequate (5) = 6 pts weak (4) = 4 pts
The modern ones
- Special Ops (10 points)
Win any match having scored only Special Event goals.
- Comeback Kings (12 points)
Given to teams that achieved were behind by several goals, and then swung the match around. (4 ranks) 5 goals = 12 pts 4 goals = 9 pts 3 goals = 6 pts 2 goals = 3 pts
The more dramatic the comeback, the better.
- That’s Just Typical (10 points)
Your team has a terrible day with lots of injuries. This achievement is the consolation prize. 4 injuries = 10 pts 3 injuries = 6 pts 2 injuries = 3 pts
7 achievements, 172 collectable points (one achievement with zero points).
The vintage ones
- The Nation Stands Behind You / National hero (50 points)
They elected you to National coach, and liked you enough to elect you one more time after that. This is the achievement.
- National Treasure Hunter / Principal of the nation (50 points)
The achievement awards you for the best result (8th world cup round reached) with a U-21 National Team or NT team as their National Coach.
- The world needs to know (10 points)
Wrote a forum post.
The modern ones
- You’re in the Book! (16 points)
- Vox Populi (16 points)
- Always There For You (30 points)
Visit Hattrick every day for X days. (5 ranks) 90 days = 30 pts 60 days = 20 pts 30 days = 15 pts 15 days = 10 pts 5 days = 5 pts
Achievement given when you have achieved a log-in streak of several days. The longer your streak, the higher your rank.
- Milestone (0 points)
Played Hattrick for X years (7 ranks). 20 years = 0 pts 15 years = 0 pts 10 years = 0 pts 5 years = 0 pts 3 years = 0 pts 2 years = 0 pts 1 year = 0 pts
This is not a regular achievement because to get it you don't have to do anything but stay in the game for years.
The vintage ones
6 Special Awards, 115 collectable points.
- Nasty squad (15 points)
The average player personality in your squad is close to nasty
- Honest Squad (15 points)
The average player personality in your squad is close to righteous
- Nice squad (15 points)
The average player personality in your squad is close to popular
- Dishonest Squad (15 points)
The average player personality in your squad is close to infamous
The modern ones
- The Football Laboratory (25 points) It's the formation at the start of the match that counts.
- Hometown Heroes (30 points)
4 Supporter Awards, 175 collectable points.
The vintage ones
- Stop the press (10 points)
Wrote a press announcement.
- Join my revolution (100 points)
Founded federation, received at least X members (8 ranks). 3 000+ members = 100 pts 2 000+ members = 60 pts 1 000+ members = 40 pts 500+ members = 30 pts 100+ members = 20 pts 50+ members = 15 pts 10+ members = 10 pts 5+ members = 5 pts
- Eternal life (15 points)
Promoted a player to the Hall of Fame.
The modern ones
They were announced in this editorial by the following announcement:
Next season will also see the start of a totally new alternative career feature: Achievements | 27/11/2006 |
Unfortunately, the bitter truth is that not everyone can win the cup or the top league in Hattrick, so we think it’s important that there is a possibility to focus on an alternative career. Alternative careers (the more, the merrier!) give the game depth and give everyone a better gaming experience. Some people focus on being the best forward trainer, some focus on collecting flags and other focus on being an active member of the community for example. Now we add yet another career possibility: achievements.
Shortly put, this feature means you’ll get points for different things you’ve achieved in the game. Winning your league or advancing some rounds in the cup, for example, will give you some points, as will receiving a certain amount of stars in a match. Moreover you will also receive points for other things in the game like founding a federation, buying/selling a player, writing a conference post, climbing up the rankings and becoming a National coach. Most achievements will be known, but there will also be some hidden achievements to seek for. Your achievements will be visible from your menu and your user page. Both the points you’ve achieved and the maximum points you can achieve will be shown. |
Deleted achievements
Two achievements are nowadays erased and are impossible to obtain.
- Non-spender
Team has 0 expenses
- This was 15 points, but has been removed as of 11/08/2009, three data after HT-Stefan announced that it would be removed. This achievement was only possible for new team if they did nothing in the first week; old teams once had the chance to achieve it during "salary free week" (but only if they teared down their arena, gave up youth and fired all staff).
After reaction by MD-JakobTrier and others who achieved it using the latter way, the achievement was returned but only symbolic being worth 0 points.
- Met Bob at the bank
Bought at least X bonds(3) at Banque Sunesson (4 ranks). 10 Bonds (account over 150 million US$) = 0 pts 5 Bonds (account over 100 million US$) = 0 pts 1 Bond (account over 60 million US$) = 0 pts
- "Met Bob at the bank" was a 15, 10 and 5 points achievement (it was downgraded after just one day from worth 50, 75 and 100 points).
You needed at least 50 million US$ in your account to buy one bond and each had a value of 10 million US$.
- The bond idea was introduced on 15 november 2010 and then quickly dismissed.It leaked though a week before when it showed up in the list of achievements and was gained by HT-Josef. It was removed as of season 55.
Samples of non-achievements
In the early day, while trying to guess to real achevements, someone has proposed these as possible areas to investigate:
- Fiery squad (i.e. both teams in this match)
- Tranquil Squad
- Start a federation (you need to get at least 5 member within a week to get this)
- Join a federation
- Becoming a GM or LA or Mod or Editor
- Becoming champions in your league (you need to go a season unbeaten in your league or win all league games in a season)
- Win the National Cup
- Win Hattrick Masters
- Have a top scorer in your team
- Your player scores a hattrick
- Start to support a team or Getting support from another player
- Fire a player
- Hire/Fire specialists
- Get Mother Club money
- Founding youth team
- Buy your own youth player from yourself on the transfer market
- Buy another team's youth pull (i.e. no "bought youth player")
- Write a notice for the youth team
- Write a guestbook comment
- Edit press announcement
- Change training or training intensity
- Change coach or recruiting a coach from your players
- Expand Stadium
- Increase investment in your youth squad
- Promote players from youth academy
- Train a player to Divine
- Field a lineup of homegrown veteran (average age 35+) (i.e. (158099878))
- Change your team kit
- Expenses equal revenue any given week
- Reach divine skill in any tactics
- Reach divine skill in Counter-Attack tactics
- Playing matches where all the players on the ground have the same nationality or a different nationality
- Playing a match with players on the ground having a speciality
- Playing a match with all the players with same (last) name [i.e. matchID: 226368810]
- Host a National Team or U-20 match
- Get a new flag (though international friendlies give points)
- Make a homepage for your team
- Buy credits
- Renew Supportership
- Daytrading (buying player and putting it to transfer list same day and selling it with profit)
Achievements have been plagued by a number of bugs, many of which have since been fixed. The following bugs are known to have existed and been corrected:
- On the 16th of January 2008, Hattrick announces in a My Hattrick message that a long suspected bug which was probably introduced during the upgrade of several parts of the site on the 5th of November 2007 was now fixed.
We have at last found the nasty bug which has stopped the achievement updates from working properly. In matches played after 2008-01-15 10.00 the achievements update should work as usual again. Unfortunately we can not do any retroactive update of older achievements (made while the updates were malfunctioning). Sadly enough, this means any achievement taken during this period will be forever lost.
- Achievements affected by this bug were the Home-grown lineup and Academy lineup. Also the Team reached X stars in a match achievement did not function properly in this period.
- When this achievement bug fix was announced a new bug was introduced meaning that you would get star achievements not only if the stars of the 11 players (or less) who finish you game in total yields enough stars totally to reach the next level (see below for levels), now the stars of injured players were also included in this calculation making it easier to get star achievements if one or more players were injured in a game. This bug was fixed on the 1st of February 2008.
- Around the 19th of April 2008, part of the site was upgraded to ".Net" and the calculation of how common achievements are was altered but the calculation of the number of U20 and NT coaches was about 3/4 of a million too high. The numbers for how many was elected U20 and NT coach was altered a few days later after a bug report was made. GM-marnow gave this explanation for the change made on the achievement page of each club team:
Previously the achievements counters were just increased when someone got the achievement. Currently they should reflect only statistics for currently active users. You may now see changes every week (numbers can both go up & down, previously they would only go up).
- Near the end of 2008, following the introduction of the redesign 2008, the Promoted Player to Hall of Fame achievement began working for the first time.
- On the 22nd of April 2009, HT-Stefan announced that he was working to debug all achievement issues. Numerous achievement bugs were fixed including: average match rating, the top 2 tiers of total team TSI, pulled a youth player (didn't work with the Youth Academy), sold a youth player, and also some text language issues (e.g. Team was ranked 1919 changed to Team was ranked amongst the top 2000).
- On the 5th of October 2009 HT-Stefan announced the ranking achievement worked again, it had been broke for nearly 1,5 season. During that time the achievement for reaching ranking 1 was the only that had been updated.
Though deemed a major bug, old fashion updates were simply set in a crazy style. Until 2021, not all achievements were immediately displayed; indeed, most of them required the weekly update time as shown in the table below.