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HT-Dog is a free CHPP approved Hattrick tool to spy the strengths and weaknesses of your opponents. You must be registered Hattrick user to be able to use HT-Dog.
The main idea of HT-Dog is to see how your upcoming opponents have played their latest matches and thus give you hints how to hit them where it hurts.
HT-Dog shows statistics with colors comparing ratings in particular areas:
- Green = This is a "green light" for YOU, meaning that this is the opponents weakest sector.
- Red = Indicates the strongest area of your opponent.
- Yellow = Shows the sectors which are somewhere between red and green.
Verbal ratings are available by moving the mouse cursor over the numeric ones.
The team ratings are shown as a mirror image (the right side is shown on the left and vice versa). This time you're just not looking at the stars of individual players, but the players impact on the sectors of the field.
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