Hattrick reboots

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Hattrick.png This is an official Hattrick Editorial
originally published 2010-06-14 13:16:00 by HT-Johan

This summer will bring big changes to the Hattrick team and the way we develop Hattrick. After ten years we are leaving our offices in Stockholm and moving to Malmö in the south of Sweden.

The main reason for this change is that in Malmö we will be able to build a team where all the key people work in the same place, making it a lot easier to plan projects, discuss game improvements, and to make decisions when they are needed.

This hasn't been possible in Stockholm, as people such as myself, our system architect HT-Daniel and our development manager HT-Chris doesn't live there. We worked around this fact for many years. In the early years things worked well anyway, but as the team has grown in numbers it has become increasingly difficult to work efficiently in this way.

What we are building in Malmö is the organization we would have chosen if we had started Hattrick all over today, informed by the experience of the past ten years. We will be a tighter knit team, led directly by the founders, where everyone is more clued in to what their colleagues are doing, and where we never stop talking about how to make Hattrick better for our users. We will try to be much more focused, working on fewer projects at any given time, and not leaving unfinished stuff behind us as we have done in the past.

We will also try to be more open as a team, telling you what we are working with and thinking about, and involve the community more in when we consider Hattrick's future direction.

For us, this is very much a restart in working with Hattrick. We don't think you as a user will notice much difference at all in the beginning, but that there will be a positive change over time in how we work with new features, bugs, and the community.

One consequence of the move is that we will slow down the introduction of new features in the game for a while - but this is something that we had actually planned to do anyway. With the new game engine in place, we want to focus on other areas of improvement, such as reopening the CHPP program.

Another important thing is that several of our developers in Stockholm have chosen not to follow us to Malmö, and because of this we have new faces on the way in to replace them.

We have also opened a recruitment page here on Hattrick where we will publish all open positions. If you ever thought about coming to work for Hattrick, we really encourage you to have a look - even if there isn't a job that fits you right now, feel free to send us a CV in case something turns up later on.

We know that there are some great talents out there and we are very happy with the recruitment we have done from the community in the past.