Sending tickets re-thoughts and minute based training

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Hattrick.png This is an official Hattrick Editorial
originally published 2008-02-12 10:00:00 by HT-Tjecken

The new season is just two weeks away and the fans are eager to tell you about their expectations. But before that there are some additional things we need to inform you about. First, we are having second thoughts about the option to send tickets to your opponent and have decided not to add it.

Secondly we will change the way training is calculated next season. Training will become minute based and depend on how many minutes a player has played on a certain position during the week, instead of being based on last position only. Not only is this a necessity for the future, it also makes training easier to grasp for new users and even though it may sound dramatic it will in fact not affect the way most managers train their players today.

In December we announced some news about how fans will work: Fans expectations. Soon you will be able to see what your fans expect out of you in the future. At the same time we announced the fan expectations we also announced some changes to the way the attendance and how home advantage will work. But since then we’ve in fact changed our mind about one of the new features: Sending tickets, which also was supposed to affect the home team advantage. Moreover there is also a ticket price increase and two other pending changes to inform about, but let's take things one by one:

Sending tickets to opponent

We have decided not to implement the possibility to send tickets to your opponent, at least not at this point. The reason for us changing our mind about this feature is that it adds a feeling of unnecessary complexity for something which would not play a big role in the game.

Home team advantage

As you will not be able to send any tickets, we will not change the current home team advantage either. With one exception though; the home team in a derby match will gain a small advantage, about half the ordinary home team advantage. Main reason for this is that teams, who happen to have a stronger team from the same region in their series, get a disadvantage compared to teams from other regions. The weaker team in a derby is often bound to lose, while a weaker team in a normal match still got a good chance to win at home thanks to their home team advantage. With this change, we keep the derby feeling at the same time as we give the weaker team in a derby a better chance to win - at least when they’re playing at home.

Ticket price increase for seats under roof

Much more tickets will be sold under roof in rainy and cloudy weather next season, at the expense of tickets without roof – this still holds. The ticket price for seats under roof will be increased to 18€ at the same time.

Earlier announced stamina related changes

In our editorial from Oct 8 we announced two changes, related to stamina, which were to be implemented during this current season. This, as you know by now, never happened and it’s about time to give you an update about them:

  • "Stamina level affects training" - will not be implemented.
  • "Injuries depend on stamina, but injury times will decrease" – will not be implemented, but is still in the back of our heads when the time comes for a complete overlook over injuries.

Minute based training

Next season, the amount of training a player receives depends on how many minutes he has played for your team during the week. The reason for this change is mostly to further prepare for the future implementation of planned substitutions, but it also means we will get a better and more logical training system instead of our current pretty unintuitive system where only the last position matters for training. In addition to that it will have a limiting effect on excessive skill trading. While this may sound as a gigantic, dramatic change, it does in fact not change our lives or planning much. The majority of managers will still train their players as they always have, only at three special occasions the minute based training differs from the current system:

  • Injured players will from now on receive training for the time they’ve played during the week, regardless of how injured they are at the training update.
  • A substitute who enters the pitch (or a player who has been sent off) will only get training for the time he’s actually played
  • Players will only receive skill training for matches played for the team they belong to at the training update. This means that if you buy a player (who played the league match for his former owner) on Tuesday morning you still have to field him on a trainable position in your friendly/cup match if you want him to receive skill training. This is only related to skill though, any match during the week still counts when it comes to form.

This will limit the excessive, almost industrial, use of skill trading where traders buy players before the training update and sell them right afterwards after they increased a skill – without ever played a match for their team.

How does minute based training work?

A player can receive 90 minutes training during a week (90 minutes training corresponds to one full training in today's system), and the position a player plays in is still important for training. Playing more than 90 minutes in a trainable position will not give him more training. Playing less, for example 50 minutes, will give him less training – in this case 50 min out of 90.

Some examples for Team A (training crossing(winger)):

  • Player X plays 90 minutes as a winger in the league game and does not play in the friendly. He receives 90 min full winger training.
  • Player Y plays 90 minutes as a winger in the league game and 90 minutes as a forward in the friendly. He receives 90 min full winger training as he has played 90 minutes as a winger during the week.
  • Player Z plays 40 minutes as a winger in the league game and 90 minutes as a forward in the friendly. He receives 40 min full winger training and 50 min osmosis training.
  • Player W plays 90 minutes as a winger in the league game for Team B, and is then transferred to Team A where he plays 90 minutes as a forward in the friendly. He receives 90 min osmosis training, as he only receives skill training for the matches played for the team he belongs to.
  • Player V plays 50 minutes as a winger in the league game and 90 minutes as a wing defender in the friendly. He receives 50 min full winger training and 40 min winger training at 'half' speed.

Training block

This feature will be designed for teams who want to train a certain part of their team, but feel they can’t do that as they got a star player who would become too expensive salary wise. Training block means you can choose not to give a player full skill training, even though he played in a trainable position during the week. This feature will not make it to the start of next season, but we aim to release it sometime during next season.