Slovenian elections for World Cup XV

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The Slovenian elections for World Cup XV ended on the 26th of April 2010 at 7:00 HT-Time as follows:

Place Manager Votes Declined
1 jolbe_ 95
2 sismis 87
3 anikas 58
4 zapotocan 30
5 Gaski 21
6 cenzuriran_apovsic 21
7 ESSIEN 19 yes
8 SkuNkeC 18
9 sandokan 17
11 Aleskoo 5
12 kirm09 4
13 zp_henry 3
14 luka1998 3
15 EuTOmer 3
16 vicanr 2
17 LUIS90 2
18 Kapitan97 2
19 teobald 2
20 tinck32 2
21 footbalman 2
22 Player_ 2
23 niko54321 2
24 Themen 2
25 AnzeOkorn 2
26 iBier 2
27 janisterzaj 2
28 cukec96 2
29 smrkoshvili 2
30 Aprilchek 2