Slovenian elections for World Cup XXVI

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The Slovenian elections for World Cup XXVI final results. The winner will lead NT during World Cup XXVI . The final rounds will be played in Guatemala .

Place Manager Votes
1 tomekk_ 65
2 Retired user 14
3 Retired user 11
4 gabrjan 7
6 sagags83 3
7 Retired user 3
8 Wee-bey 2
9 Retired user 2
10 Here_for_Beer 2
11 sharkyslo 0

Candidate speech

- pomočnik selektorja in skavt za branilce v Djombinem srebrnem mandatu (/World/WorldCup/?cupId=137&season=48&matchround=25) - pomočnik selektorja v pravkar končanem bronastem mandatu Pohanega (/World/WorldCup/?cupId=137&season=62&matchround=24) - 3x zapored zmagovalec Prve slovenske lige - trener mnogih U20 in NT reprezentantov - top 16 v Hattrick Mastersu (482619826)

Created by User:Old boy