The Book of Hattrick

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Hattrick.png This is an official Hattrick Editorial
originally published 2007-03-24 10:11:00 by HT-Johan

In August this year Hattrick turns 10 years old. We would like to celebrate this fact by producing a book about the journey we have made, about the game today, and about all the people that have made it happen.

The real protagonist of this book will be the Hattrick community, because without it we wouldn't have gotten this far and there wouldn't have been much of a story to tell. That's why we would like to produce this book in close collaboration with you, to make sure you get to read - and write - the stuff that really interests you.

The Hattrick book will be a rather big project, around 200 pages in full colour. We aim to keep the quality high and the price reasonable, enough to cover our costs but low enough to make it possible for you to buy it if you are interested.

We have already started creating the core articles for the book, the behind-the-scenes stuff about the history of the game, the design, the HT team, and so on. We're still very much open to ideas for other articles, though!

We would like your cooperation in the book in two ways. First, we invite you to post article ideas and to discuss the ideas of others in the Hattrick Anniversary Book forum. If you are interested in helping out with the book, this is a forum you will need to join.

Secondly, there will be lots of opportunity for you to contribute material yourself. It could be photos from Hattrick meetings, stories about your team or your community, comic strips, drawings, Hattrick song lyrics, pictures of your custom-made Hattrick clothes, strange anecdotes or serious opinion pieces. Let us know!

We’ll also arrange a number of more formalized writing competetions, where you can write texts or make other contributions on a certain theme that we decide. The best essays on each theme will obviously get into the book, and will be awarded special prizes as well.

Our ambition for this book is to create a rich and interesting document about the Hattrick community, something you can show disbelieving parents or partners, something you can take pride in yourself, and something that simply tells our story for future generations.