Twenty years of Hattrick!

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Hattrick.png This is an official Hattrick Editorial
originally published 2017-08-30 13:00:00 by HT-Johan

So, get this… Hattrick is turning 20 years today! On top of just being this friendly community and addictive football game that occupies so much of our time, Hattrick is of course one of the continuously longest running games in the world - truly one of the most enduring Internet legacies around! We think this is something we should all take great pride in, and, more importantly, something we should all celebrate! We have a bunch of stuff for you today, and we will continue the celebration for the rest of this season.

Last week saw the release of the new match order form, yesterday we went live with the new man marking feature which will be available in Tournaments for the time being, and today we got a new start page, to mark the anniversary. This means that the more future-looking features are taken care of, for now.

But today, to mark this anniversary, we have a set of more backward-looking goodies for you! In various ways, we have wanted to highlight the history of Hattrick better, to make it more alive, both for you as individual managers and for the game as a whole.

Career Achievements

Ever felt Hattrick didn’t recognise you as a manager enough for your loyal service? Well, you might have had a point. Hattrick has a huge number of very loyal managers that have stayed with the game for 5, or 10, or even 15 years - in a few crazy cases the full 20 years! This will now be properly celebrated through achievements, match events on your manager anniversary and optional badges that you can stick to your avatar. We’ve also added in-game notifications for when a new achievement is triggered.

Career History

For those of you who have managed several teams over time, we have added a new career history view on your manager profile, that shows your league and cup stats for those older teams.

Easier to use Hall of Fame

Some players may no longer belong to your team, but they are still club legends and they need to be remembered. You can now, provided a player meets the criteria about seasons played in your club, put him into your Hall of Fame even if he is already in another team’s Hall of Fame. You can also nominate active players in other teams ahead of time: Later, when they are retired to Hall of Fame by their owner, or they are sacked, or they end up in an inactive team - they will automatically be promoted into the only Hall of Fame that really matters, namely your own!


If you are a serious manager that has played for a long time, trophies have a tendency to stack up… (well, at least I have heard from others that this is the case!) For those over-achievers out there, we have added an editor mode so that you can rearrange your trophies in the way YOU prefer, making sure the baddest ones have pride of place.

Generation Cups

During this anniversary season, we are running a Grand Reunion ladder tournament for all users that have joined Hattrick through our (highly successful) reinvitation campaign. We will follow this competition up with a new Cup concept, which will be introduced at the end of this anniversary season. It will be a free international tournament, run in all future season breaks, which pits all managers that joined Hattrick at the same time as you against each other. Like the Supporter Trophy, it is not an official competition, but it will still come with serious bragging rights.

Anything else?

Yes, we are still working on the new, redesigned training page which will be launched during the first half of this new season. We are also continuing work on the new Specialities and Special Events, which we will post an update about in the near future. And we have other stuff lined up for what we think will be a very exciting autumn in Hattrick.