Dallas/Ft. Worth

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Dallas/Ft. Worth
Location of Dallas-Ft._Worth
Link to Wikipedia
Continent: North America
Zone: North America
Country:  USA
Latitude: 32°46' N
Longitude: 96°48' W
RegionID: 160
Number of teams: 119
Time zone: -7

Dallas/Ft.Worth is a region in the USA. As of the end of Season 31, Dallas/Ft. Worth has the highest percentage of hattrick supporters in the U.S.

The leading federation for Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston, and Texas players is the Texas Consortium (alliance id: 2974) which holds the seasonal Texas Consortium Cup (currently beginning its eleventh season).

Top Ten Dallas/Ft. Worth Teams

  • 1. The Fancy Garlic Presses 3rd II.3
  • 2. Clint's Army 4th III.11
  • 3. Red Herrings 1st IV.51
  • 4. Truncator 1st IV.23
  • 5. Captain Jack 2nd IV.48
  • 6. Cool Arrows 2nd IV.34
  • 7. '66 Stang 3rd IV.16
  • 8. Angry Pirates FC 3rd IV.45
  • 9. Jayhawks 3rd IV.42
  • 10. Diablos SC 3rd IV.32

(As of the end of season 31)

Regions of USA USA

Alabama | Alaska | Arizona | Arkansas | Atlanta | Boston | California | Chicago | Colorado | Connecticut | Dallas/Ft. Worth | Delaware | Denver | Detroit | Florida | Georgia | Hawaii | Houston | Idaho | Illinois | Indiana | Iowa | Kansas | Kentucky | Las Vegas | Los Angeles | Louisiana | Maine | Maryland | Massachusetts | Miami | Michigan | Minnesota | Mississippi | Missouri | Montana | Nebraska | Nevada | New Hampshire | New Jersey | New Mexico | New Orleans | New York | New York City | North Carolina | North Dakota | Ohio | Oklahoma | Oregon | Pennsylvania | Philadelphia | Phoenix | Puerto Rico | Rhode Island | San Francisco | Seattle | South Carolina | South Dakota | Tennessee | Texas | Twin Cities | Utah | Vermont | Virginia | Washington | Washington, D.C. | West Virginia | Wisconsin | Wyoming