Slovenian elections for World Cup XXVIII

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The Slovenian elections for World Cup XXVIII final results. The winner will lead NT during World Cup XXVIII . The final rounds will be played in Latvija .

Place Manager Votes
1 Bencak 58
2 Here_for_Beer 11
4 Salinho 4
5 brulcb 3
6 DragoGrom 3
7 Retired user 3
8 Wee-bey 2

Candidate speech

Ljubezen do NT ostaja. Želja je še. Če menite, da si zaslužim pobiranje smetena iz vrha torte, ki sem jo tako dolgo pekel mi namenite glas. Če menite, da je čas za slovo od NTja in da si glas bolj zasluži nekdo drug, namenite glas njemu.

Created by User:Old boy