Oldtrafford is a Flemish manager who is a member of the following federations:
GM-Eindredactie in PBFNB
Former President of Goalkeeping Trainers
Veteran Challenger in Challenge Federation
Dinosaur in HAG
Fed Police in Flag Lottery.
Het Volk in The Federation of Extraordinary Gentlemen
Beginnend passer in De Passen Federatie
MUFC Legend - Sir Bobby Charlton in Manchester United Fan Club
Vice President in Top Flags
Founder in Hattrick Tournaments & Friendlies
His team is called Acts United FC.
He is also famous for his flagchasing, he only hosts other countries, only 1 time it was wrong and a French team got him to France...
The second away flag is only there because of a bug, something that the HT's don't want to solve!
At this point he got every flag at home, so the flagchasing days are over (or Hattrick will create new countries).
Known for activity in lots of fora.
His favourite footballteam in real life is Manchester United.