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Hiring the right staff members (or Specialists) is important to clubs and to the development of a well-balanced financial status.
The staff may not be found in the dugout on match day, but they work with the players during the week or fulfill other crucial duties. They efficiently manage different team functions like player's form, and team's morale. Specialists have different effects based on their ability and salary, so that they complement both the head coach in training and the manager in key tasks.
General Concepts
Any contribution you get from a staff member is applied as a static bonus on top of an existing team stat. This bonus will always be visible, but since team stats are dynamic to begin with, and are influenced by different factors, the final effect achieved with a hired staff member can be hard to predict exactly. What you can be sure of is that you are moving the needle in the right direction.
Skill Level of a Specialist
Specialists have a skill level from one to five. Staff members with higher skill levels naturally contribute a higher bonus effect, but have a higher cost. These bonus effects are growing linearly, while their salary grows exponentially - which means that the gain from each additional skill level is constant, while the salary doubles every level. A numeric example may help:
- skill level 2 helps 40% of the max (level 5), while their wage is 1/8 of the level 5 staff salary;
- skill level 3 helps 60% of the max (level 5), while their wage is a quarter of the level 5 staff salary;
- skill level 4 helps 80% of the max (level 5), while their wage is half of the level 5 staff salary;
- skill level 5 helps the maximum, at maximum wage.
Total Number of Specialists
Your board, which controls expenses and decides how many specialists you can employ, only allows four specialist altogether and only one of a type (note that Assistant Coaches make an exception as they can be two).
- So, you can hire for your club:
- up to 4 staff members in total,
- up to 2 Assistant Coaches at a time,
- 1 staff member at a time for all other staff categories.
The staff page where you hire or fire specialists can be found on the "The Club" page. |
- Once hired, a specialists have a weekly salary, paid during the economic update.
Hire a Specialist
When hiring a specialist, you'll give them a contract of a given length. The contract length can be from 1 to 16 weeks and determines the weekly cost of the specialist, going cheaper the longer the contract.
A contract can be set up for automatic renewal, giving the specialist a new contract of a selectable length once the old contract expires. To set up/remove renewals or fire a staff member, click on that specialist's name or picture to get to his individual page. |
Weeks | Skill level 1 | Skill level 2 | Skill level 3 | Skill level 4 | Skill level 5 |
1 | 2 115 € | 4 230 € | 8 460 € | 16 920 € | 33 840 € |
2 | 4 110 € | 8 220 € | 16 440 € | 32 800 € | 65 760 € |
3 | 5 670 € | 11 340 € | 22 680 € | 45 360 € | 90 720 € |
4 | 7 080 € | 14 160 € | 28 320 € | 56 640 € | 113 280 € |
5 | 8 550 € | 17 100 € | 34 200 € | 68 400 € | 136 800 € |
6 | 9 900 € | 19 800 € | 39 600 € | 79 200 € | 158 400 € |
7 | 11 025 € | 22 050 € | 44 100 € | 88 200 € | 176 400 € |
8 | 12 000 € | 24 000 € | 48 000 € | 96 000 € | 192 000 € |
9 | 12 960 € | 25 920 € | 51 840 € | 103 680 € | 207 360 € |
10 | 13 800 € | 27 600 € | 55 200 € | 110 400 € | 220 800 € |
11 | 14 520 € | 29 040 € | 58 080 € | 116 160 € | 232 320 € |
12 | 15 120 € | 30 240 € | 60 480 € | 120 960 € | 241 920 € |
13 | 15 600 € | 31 200 € | 62 400 € | 124 800 € | 249 600 € |
14 | 15 960 € | 31 920 € | 63 840 € | 127 680 € | 255 360 € |
15 | 16 200 € | 32 400 € | 64 480 € | 129 600 € | 259 200 € |
16 | 16 320 € | 32 640 € | 65 280 € | 130 560 € | 261 120 € |
Fire a Specialist
Firing a specialist will result in a cost and also cannot be done in the first or last week of his contract. The cost of firing a specialist is equal to the savings you've had compared to a shorter contract times two.
You have a 16 week contract for a level 4 specialist that you'd like to break in its 10th week. The cost up until now has been
10 * 8 160 € = 81 600 €
, a 10 week contract would have cost you10 * 11 040 € = 110 400 €
The cost of firing the specialist is2*(110 400 € - 81 600 €) = 57 600 €
The current staff system replaced the old one (see below) from a different starting point. Even with no staff in a certain category, your team do better today than it did in the old system when no staff were hired in that same category. For example, your injury risk is lower with no Medic than it was in the old system without any Physios. This "free" effect varies a little between categories, but is typically just short of the effect you would get from the first staff member in any category. The floor has been raised, and so has the roof - for those areas that a manager choose to focus on, higher overall modifiers are possible. A consequence of this is also that the bonuses achieved by teams may differ more as well.
Training Only | Competitive + Training | Competitive Only | |
Basic | 2 assistant coaches 1 medic |
1 assistant coach 1 medic 1 sports psychologist |
1 form coach 1 medic 1 sports psychologist |
Improvement | + 1 form coach (NT trainees) |
+ 1 assistant coach | + 1 tactical assistant |
Financial issues |
low level specialist (Starting club) |
+ 1 financial director (Rich club) |
Assistant coaches
Main article: Assistant coach
This specialist can be hired to:
- Improve outfield players training.
As side effects, he also:
Skill Level | Training Speed | Injury Risk | Cost for 1 week |
0 | No bonus | 40% | 0 € |
1 | +3.5% | +2.5% | 2 115 € |
2 | +7% | +5% | 4 230 € |
3 | +10.5% | +7.5% | 8 460 € |
4 | +14% | +10% | 16 920 € |
5 | +17.5% | +12.5% | 33 840 € |
The bonus is added as a multiplier on top of:
- the existing training efficiency as decided by the coaching skill of your head coach,
- your chosen training intensity,
- your chosen stamina share.
Main article: Medic
Having a Medic on the team will:
- Reduces injury risk.
- Decreases the recovery time for injured players.
Medics are responsible for the overall physical condition of your players. This means they work both proactively to prevent injuries as well as with the rehabilitation of any players that do get injured.
Skill Level | Recovery Speed | Injury Risk | Cost for 1 week |
0 | No bonus | 40% | 0 € |
1 | +20% | -7.5% | 2 115 € |
2 | +40% | -15% | 4 230 € |
3 | +60% | -22.5% | 8 460 € |
4 | +80% | -30% | 16 920 € |
5 | +100% | -37.5% | 33 840 € |
Form coach
Main article: Form Coach
The team's Form Coach specializes in getting the most out of the player material you have:
- Your team's average form will be higher, because the Form Coach will give a bonus to player's background form.
The value of form you see on a player, as a measure of how close he is to be performing at his maximum potential, is the current form, but there is also a trend called the background form, or the value the form is moving toward.
Skill Level | Form | Cost for 1 week |
0 | No bonus | 0 € |
1 | +0.2 | 2 115 € |
2 | +0.4 | 4 230 € |
3 | +0.6 | 8 460 € |
4 | +0.8 | 16 920 € |
5 | +1.0 | 33 840 € |
Sports psychologist
Main article: Sports psychologist
Sports psychologist:
- Improves team confidence.
- Gives minor boost to team spirit.
Confidence is primarily driven by your team results and how many goals you've scored, but Sports psychologist adds a bonus to your team confidence and - directly - your attack ratings.
The Sports Psychologist helps team spirit as well by raising the base value toward which your team spirit moves naturally.
Skill Level | Team spirit | Confidence | Cost for 1 week |
0 | No bonus | No bonus | 0 € |
1 | +0.1 | +0.2 | 2 115 € |
2 | +0.2 | +0.4 | 4 230 € |
3 | +0.3 | +0.6 | 8 460 € |
4 | +0.4 | +0.8 | 16 920 € |
5 | +0.5 | +1 | 33 840 € |
He does not help protect you against overconfidence.
Financial director
Main article: Financial Director
Hiring a Financial Director:
- Increases the amount of funds a Club can keep in cash, before the Board intervenes.
- Increases also the speed with which the Board will release money to the manager when cash runs below the cash reserve limit established by the Board.
Skill Level | Max Funds | Return / Week | Cost for 1 week |
0 | 15 000 000 € | 50 000 € | 0 € |
1 | 17 000 000 € | 100 000 € | 2 115 € |
2 | 19 000 000 € | 200 000 € | 4 230 € |
3 | 21 000 000 € | 300 000 € | 8 460 € |
4 | 23 000 000 € | 400 000 € | 16 920 € |
5 | 25 000 000 € | 500 000 € | 33 840 € |
Tactical assistant
Main article: Tactical assistant
The team's tactical assistant:
- Gives the manager more individual orders in matches
- Allows access to the style of play bar in the match lineup
Every manager can give his team up to 5 extra orders in a match, with each level of tactical coach a manager gains one extra order. With a level 5 tactical assistant you have access to a total of 10 match orders, but the restriction of maximum 3 substitutions still apply.
Skill Level | Subs / individual orders | Style of play flexibility | Cost for 1 week |
0 | No bonus | No bonus | 0 € |
1 | +1 | +20% | 2 115 € |
2 | +2 | +40% | 4 230 € |
3 | +3 | +60% | 8 460 € |
4 | +4 | +80% | 16 920 € |
5 | +5 | +100% | 33 840 € |
With style of play you can tune how offensive/defensive you'd like your team to play, with a basis in your coach's tactical affinity. A defensively minded coach is considered to be 100% defensive, an offensive coach is 100% offensive and the neutral coach is 0% of either. With each tactical assistant level, you can move up to 20 percentage points away from your coach's affinity.
With a level 3 tactical assistant you have a flexibility of moving 60 percentage points on the bar, giving you the option to set your style of play somewhere within these levels:
Level 3 tactical assistant Defensive Coach Neutral Coach Offensive Coach from 100% to 40%
defensive stylefrom 30% defensive to balanced (0)
from balanced (0) to 30% offensive stylefrom 40% to 100%
offensive style
Volunteer staff
Secretary is a volunteer staff that reports on latest game news.
Staff system changes
- On October 2015 (global season 60), Spokesperson specialist was removed as a staff member. Instead all teams gained the highest effect of a level 5 for free.
- Contract costs are raised (for example, a level 5 specialist changed cost for 24 000 € to 33 840 € for 1 week).
- The big reform is implemented in April 2014 (g.s. 55), introducing the skill level and a limit of one specialist for type (note that initially 3 Assistant coach were permitted, but the number was quickly reduced to 2, lowering the total to 4 specialist altogether).
- It was also reintroduced the Financial Director from Accountants, Doctor was renamed to Medic and Physiotherapist to Form Coach.
- At the beginning of August 2010 (g.s. 43) is introduced a limit of 10 specialists of each type and of 30 staff members for all, with still an effect of each additional specialist slightly lower than the effects of the one before him.
- Accountant were removed and Goalkeeping Coaches merged with Assistant Coaches.
- Before season 42 you could have up to 244 staff members of each of the 7 types, with negative consequences for every member above 10 (overstaffing). In the old system, each extra staff member was paid the same as the one before, but the more you hired in a certain category the less each additional one would contribute. Many times, the first staff member hired would alone contribute as much as the next 7 or 8 combined.
- Former staff types were:
- Goalkeeper Coaches (they improved goalkeeper form and goalkeeping training),
- Assistant Coaches (like today, but without skill level and not active on goalkeepers; Over 10 caused loss of training for the week),
- Sports psychologists (the only specialist still in use today, at the time without skill levels and with negative overstaffing effects on team spirit),
- Spokesperson (they improve sponsor mood and gives minor boost to supporter mood, thereby resulting in an increase in fan club size and sponsor income),
- Physiotherapists (they reduce odds of player injury; more than 10 physiotherapists could be employed, but the youth squad level might drop),
- Doctors (they heal injured players and you could hire more than 10 specialists to get faster healing with an acceptable risk that your supporter mood could drop at every daily update),
- Accountants (they allowed you to earn interest on your money if you had a large surplus (over 4 million) in the bank and reduced debts if you were far into the red).
Comparison with old system
The old staff system affected more or less the same areas of the game, but it was designed in such a way that there was a big incentive for users to change the composition of staff only as a reaction to instant needs. For example, you hired 10 doctors only for an important injured player, or sport psychologist only before an important match. What was missing was the possibility to choose different strategies for different clubs. Most users would choose one optimal configuration of their staff for the urgency and leave it unchanged until the problem was solved (and the they fired all staff).
In the new system a good manager should be forced to decide a focus for the team, since it is no longer possible to hire every category of staff. The advantage of the new staff system should be that more powerful combinations are now possible. Cost has also become a more important factor since picking the highest skilled staff member every time will become very expensive indeed. The old system was much easier to optimize, and most users that had any knowledge about the game would choose a very similar setup. Another way to approach this change is to say that it is now more about choosing an edge for your team and less about covering the necessary bases.
Furthermore, in the new system, the effects of a new staff member are clearly described and each additional skill level will contribute as much as the one before. A level 5 staff member will have 5 times the effect of a level 1 staff member, which is great, but he will at the same time be 16 times as expensive. Lower skilled staff are definitely more cost-effective, but hiring the best can still pay off. Finding a balance for your team becomes an important consideration.
Even if the new system purpose was to make the staff an active part of the game, the final result is the opposite as all managers today fill the 4 spots with level 4 specialists and practically never change it. The level 1 to 3 skill are not effective enough, and level 5 is too expensive. Besides, 2 Assistant coaches are a mandatory choice, as well as 1 Medic is, leaving only 1 spot available for tactical choices. A total limit of 5 staff members that can be employed at any given time at proof of the facts is too restrictive. In conclusion, the new system failed to reward more active managers by making the optimal choice differ more between clubs.
Another problem is that, more powerful combinations between staff members, even if now possible, is too expensive in term of time and money. The new specialists don't interact with each other as they should have or could have done if better implemented.
The part where success was achieved is undoubtedly that today staff members are no longer anonymous units to add or dispose of at will. They have names, they have individual skill levels, and they have at least a semblance of labor rights. They are also able to do more for your team than ever before.