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Sponsors and the money they pay are one of the main sources of income for a club. New teams rely more on sponsorship money than on ticket sales from matches, as their supporter's base is rather small and takes up to a few seasons to reach an adequate level.

Weekly income can be seen at My Club > Club > Finances.

Sponsors' mood levels
Ten different mood levels (and picture associated to level)
Level Name Associated picture
10 Sending love
poems to you
Sponsor mood level 10.png
9 Dancing in
the streets
Sponsor mood level 9.png
8 High on life
Sponsor mood level 8.png
7 Delirious
Moods sponsor6.png
6 Satisfied
Moods sponsor5.png
5 Content
Moods sponsor4.png
4 calm
Moods sponsor3.png
3 Irritated
Moods sponsor2.png
2 Furious
Moods sponsor1.png
1 Murderous
Moods sponsor0.png

Sponsors' income

The sponsor income is a fixed weekly fee plus a potential bonus fee dependant on what sponsor objective the manager selects during the off-season.

Sponsors' income = 185 * ( Fans number * Sponsors' mood / Division index ) + 27200

Division index

The index of team current division is a coefficient used to calculate the sponsors' income. It measures the success of the team over long term.
   Division       Index   
I 14.85
II 21.00
III 25.72
IV 29.69
V 33.19
VI 36.37

Influences on sponsor offers

These are the factors influencing the amount of money that team receives from sponsors:

  • the fanclub size, meaning the fans number,
  • the team's success over long term, meaning the index of team current division.

(Work in Progress) Studies on base sponsor offers

In general the base sponsor fee(b) can be calculated using the following formula:

b = a * fans + 18785

Where a is based on league level:
I: 65.81
II: 47.26
III: 38.04
IV: 32.8
V: 29.52
VI: 26.72
VII: 24.56

The fee per match(m) is calculated from:

m = b / 1.94


  • Promoted teams use the a value from their previous league level and the promotion bonus is not part of the new offer.
  • Teams younger than half a season use the starting values.

Further studies: The following numbers are based on small data set. More data will be needed to perfect the formula. No data from demoted teams were registered last season break(83).

In the manual

Maintenance.PNGThis page or section requires updating.
Some of its content is out of date or needs addition of new data. You can help Hattrick Wiki by updating this page or section.
This is an extract from the Hattrick rules, Chapter 8
Revenues and expenses




Sponsors: Each week you get a sum of money from your sponsors. Check the "Fans and sponsors" chapter for more info.

{{From the manual|chapterhead=Fans_and_sponsors|chapternr=9|text= Both sponsors and fans control important sources of income. Therefore it is strongly advised to have a good relation with them and keep their mood up - it will pay off in the end.



Sponsors prefer supporting a club sporting a good "image" to which they can be connected. The more successful your team is and the bigger your team’s fan club is, the better image (and the more sponsor money) you’ll get.