Hall of Fame (club)

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Disambiguation icon.png This page describes Hall of Fame (club) for retired players. For other uses of Hall of Fame, see Hall of Fame (disambiguation)

· English · Magyar ·

Each team has a Hall of Fame (HoF). A manager with HT-supporter can use it as an alternative to firing a player.

Eternal life

A player too old or no longer capable of playing for his team has the option to be retired to the team's Hall of Fame.

After an initial limited number of three players,the allowance spreads and a may add one new player to the Hall of Fame each season, 16 weeks after the last player was added.


The players have to complete 3 consecutive full seasons at the club (which is 48 weeks (336 days)) before they can enter the Hall of Fame. So, if you for example rebuy an old player, he has to be in the club for three seasons starting from the date you rebuy him, time previous to the sale does not count. Also when a player is converted into coach the days start counting again from zero.


Each player in the Hall may be categorised among different classes of service to the club, including scoring, total matches, and faith to the club. The player's best match and final match may be retrieved automatically, and in addition to that, the manager may choose the player's most memorable match.

They may be customized. The user may indicate the player's current post-soccer career, with possible choices including agent, referee, and actor.

See Also

HTs on Global/Hall of Fame