Global Agent Organisation

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The GAO (an acronym for Global Agent Organisation) is an elusive broker's alliance operating everywhere in the Hattrick universe.

The "agents" serve no other purpose than to collect their fees, but ultimately they are the ones who make the whole transfer market smoothly spin. Without their work there would be no way to connect players, selling clubs and buyers.

The powerful HFA loves them, officially because they discourage day trading and fast selling manager activities in general. Secretly, however, it is believed that HFA keeps the profits of the agents high for an under-the-table deal from which they get a small, but interesting percentage.


It was first mentioned in this HFA's press announcement:
Hattrick announces
The new deal 18/10/2006
In a press conference yesterday the Hattrick Football Association (HFA) announced some economic changes for next season.

First, they have agreed terms with a computer manufacturing company which will invest in the HFA, with the money going straight into the pockets of all Hattrick teams.

HFA has also signed a new contract with the Global Agent Organisation (GAO), a contract containing lower transfer agent fees.

The HFA has also decided to lower the interest on money in the bank.

A spokesperson for the HFA stated "We are very pleased to announce this new deal for next season, even though we will have to get back to you with more exact details later on. Hattrick's background economy is healthy, the amount of money per team is increasing and this new sponsorship deal will further improve the situation. We also hope the transfer market will get a positive injection from lower agent fees and lower interests."