Team leader

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· English · Magyar ·

The team leader can be identified as the player (not coach) with the highest leadership.

However, this myth was officially busted in the Hattrick Mythbusters editorial. It could have been a planned implementation which hit the rules but has never been realized. The rule section about this has been now removed.


The myth of the myths turned out to be false, despite the fact that even the rules claimed the opposite.

The theory about team leaders was that their effect on team spirit depended on the coach leadership. The lower the leadership of the coach the greater the effect of the team leader, for good or bad.

Anyway it was hard to know who the team leader was, since the leadership have sub-levels, and mostly there are a lot of players with the same highest visible leadership factor in the same team.

The suggestion of the possibility of team leader was found in the earlier version of the manual itself:

This is an extract from the Hattrick rules, Chapter 19
Leadership and agreeability are only applied to the player with the highest leadership factor, "the team leader". If this person is agreeable, the team atmosphere will be as well, and if he's nasty you might end up with a really nasty atmosphere in your squad. A coach with strong leadership abilities might counteract a disagreeable "team leader" amongst the players.

At the time the game started, it was long thought that the team leader could have either a positive or a negative effect on team spirit depending on his agreeability (a popular team leader would have the most positive effect on team spirit).

See Also