Category:Newbie Tips

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The following contents are based on the opinion of Hattrick users — which means that their veracity and accuracy have not been confirmed by any official statement, and consequently they do not necessarily reflect the game reality. Please take this into consideration!

  1. Do not spend any money until you know what you are doing. One of the common mistakes by newbies is to 'buy buy buy' without realising what is important in Hattrick.

    A lot of newbies end up wasting their money on upgrading their stadium, buying bad coaches (Inadequate skill and inadequate) and spending loads of money on just one player.

    Do not invest in your youth squad until you have an idea of the system works. As a newbie, you risk investing money to early.

  2. Read and understand the rules. This will prevent you from making any bad mistakes like above. The manager license requires you to do so, in order to complete the last five challenges. Do not cheat, and second guess the answers until you have all correct. This will only give you a greater chance of making a mistake. Other parts of this Wiki can also be a useful read. Consider before spending any money these tasks may award.

  3. Familiarize yourself with your players. Check what skill rating is the best by clicking the link on any players skill. From this, you should be able to work out your best players. Any player with inadequate main skill, (unless an experienced player) should be fired.

  4. In this game, a large source of income is from trainees which you buy with the intention of training. Later you may and sell these for a profit. It is advised that you choose from the following training forms:
    Set pieces and passing can also be trained, but the are not recommended for beginners, because these training types usually require trainees costly to a new team.

  5. Once you have decided what you are going to train, you need to buy your trainees.
    The best trainees are often 17 year old players. Young players can be trained longer.
    Their main skill should be high as possible or what you can afford).
    An "excellent" playmaker with high passing skills is generally better than a "formidable" playmaker with low passing as they will sell for a higher price.

    The stamina is trained automatically and is determined but the stamina share, minimum 10% .

  6. The coach you start with out with passable and should be sufficient for the first season or so. A better coach is a solid one with poor leadership. Once you have some more money, and have your trainees, then you should consider upgrading to a solid/poor coach.

    Set training intensity to 100% and keep it there.

  7. You then need to choose your formation, based on what you are training. Remember not to play more than 3 in a central position (central defender, inner midfielder, and forward). You can't have, for example, 4 inner midfielders, as you will lose training.
    • Goalkeeping allows you to play any formation you want,
    • Defending trainers should play 5 at the back, three CD's and 2 wingbacks, and formations advisable are 5-3-2 and 5-4-1,
    • Playmaking trainers should play 5 in midfield (three IM's and two wingers) and 3-5-2, 2-5-3, 4-5-1 are recognisable, thus should be played,
    • Scoring trainers would play 3 upfront and thus 3-4-3, 2-5-3 or 4-3-3, which are recognizable should be used,
    • Cross Passing allows you to play any formation with external players (2 wingers and two wing backs).

  8. Most importantly, have fun! The newbie conferences are very useful places if you become stuck or need any help.

See also