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The team coach is a very important figure in Hattrick, responsible for training and managing your players during a game and can play in games too.

All new coaches of a certain skill level are equal. While all new teams get initial coaches who are of equal skill level (passable and neutral), over time you will need to replace your coach. You can do this from "Staff," under the My Club menu.

This is an extract from the Hattrick rules, Chapter 7 (Coach abilities)
The more talented your coach is, the more effective training will be. A coach can never be better than excellent. All new teams get a passable coach to start with.
This is an extract from the Hattrick rules, Chapter 7 (Ability deterioration)
After your coach has been in your club for one season, his leadership skill will start to slowly deteriorate. Once your coach reaches disastrous leadership, the deterioration starts hitting his trainer skill instead.

A coach may need a staff: 2 assistant coaches are allowed in a team.


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A neutral coach with training level excellent and solid leadership (page in French version)

Coach uses his particular skill set to inspire players both on and off the field: tactical attitude, leadership and training skill.

First of all, there are three different types of tactical attitudes that affects the teams' performance (and only performance) during the game:

Neutral Coach
no preference, boost a team's attack and defense ratings equally and he doesn’t have a specific influence on your ratings.
Offensive Coach
attacking nature, boosts a team's attack ratings and stimulate a team to play more offensively. Compared to the neutral coach, the offensive one offers a boost of 8% to your attack ratings but with a penalty of 11% to the defence ratings.
Defensive Coach
defensive nature, boost a team's defence ratings. Compared to the neutral coach, the defensive one offers a boost of 14% to your defence ratings but with a penalty of 8% to your attack ratings.[1]

The type of coach tactics that is best for your team will largely depend on your training type.

Training Skill

The most important ability for a coach is the training skill. A talented coach knows the right methods of training and that allows (young) players to improve their abilities faster and more effectively.

This skill can never be rated higher than excellent. When someone receive the first coach with passable skill, he is always "average passable". That means that no new coach begins with "high passable" or "low passable" sub-level.

However, the increase in the coach's performance between levels is, like with regular player skills, non-linear. This means that the gap between a solid coach and an excellent coach is smaller than the gap between a passable coach and a solid coach in terms of the effect of the training. So a high-level coach might not always be the best solution for you.

Coach Training Efficiency
(comparing to 100% of a "solid" one)
Coach Efficency
Excellent 105.30%
Solid    100% (benchmark)   
Passable 90.90%
Inadequate 83.30%
Weak 76.90%
Poor 71.40%

Leadership Skill

The other ability of a coach is leadership, a skill common to all players, but that coaches use in a different way.

Leadership affects how quickly team spirit changes: if the team spirit is low, a coach with good leadership will increase the rate of regrowth, and if the team spirit is high he will decrease the level of deterioration.

The coach leadership level may significantly affect the optimal strategy when choosing team attitude. While the immediate effect of all choices is the same no matter leadership level, a good leader will help you reap the benefit of playing it cool in the coming games, and he will help you get over the disadvantage that your team gets from playing match of the season.

Thus, if your coach has bad leadership, playing it cool or playing match of the season are generally less attractive choices, however, with a good leader a team can greatly benefit from playing it cool in the major part of its games.

Skills Deterioration

Your coach's leadership and training skill are not eternal, they will slowly begin to deteriorate over time. This will not begin until after your coach's first season has ended. The reasoning for this is that a coach is bustling with energy and inspiration when he first arrives, but loses some of his edge and enthusiasm over time.

This deterioration is very slow. It effects the leadership level first, and finally training skill. Though it can take up to ten seasons to complete this progression, you will want another coach well before then.

For example, a coach with solid leadership will drop to passable:

  • in 112-150 days if he’s low Solid leadership
  • in 150-224 days if he’s medium Solid leadership
  • in 224-385 days if he’s high Solid leadership

Coach recruiting

If your coach disappoints you, you can always fire him and get a new one.[2] A new coach should have both leadership and training skill. Depending on how you want to run your team, you will find the balance that usually lie between the following extremes:

  • high training skill with low leadership if you plan to train players over time,
  • high leadership with low training skill, if you plan to day-trade for good players.

There are two different ways to go: recruit from outside or from inside the team.

Prices of external recruiting (fixed)
Leadership Training Skill level of future coach
Weak Inadequate Passable Solid Excellent
3 Poor 10 000 10 000  79 600 268 700 4 000 000
4 Weak 10 000 22 800 182 800 617 100 4 388 400
5 Inadequate 10 000 41 200 329 700 1 112 900 7 914 600
6 Passable 10 000 65 100 521 000 1 758 500 12 505 200
7 Solid 10 000 94 600 757 100 2 555 500 18 172 500

External Coaches

External recruiting means that you hire a new coach from outside your team. First, decide how good you want your coach to be in training skill and leadership, as well as want type of tactics you want your coach to use.

With external coaches, each combination of leadership/trainer skill has a fixed price (see table). You sign your coach and he appears in your roster from an unseen pool of unemployed coaches.

Note that with this option, the excellent coaches are not cheap at all, both because they are only half a level better than the solid ones, and because the price increase is not proportional. To build at home your excellent coach is always the best option.

Internal Promotion

   Find similar.png   Main article: Coach-to-be

Internal Promotion can be less expensive than external recruiting, if you have a player with the right coaching material.

Remember that in conversion Leadership is equal to Experience:

A player's experience determines how good a coach he can become.
The more experienced a player is, the lower his price for a specific skill level.

That requires some foresight. In fact, the converted player keeps his leadership ability (already known to you) so you do not pay any extras for high leadership. If you have a very experienced player with high leadership, this can be a real bargain.

Prices of converting a player to a coach (variable)
Training Skill level of future coach
Weak Inadequate Passable Solid Excellent
4 Weak 10 000 - - - -
5 Inadequate 10 000 35 200 to 43 800 - - -
6 Passable 10 000 29 400 to 35 200 235 200 to 281 600 - -
7 Solid 10 000 25 200 to 29 400 202 000 to 235 200 681 800 to 794 100 -
8 Excellent 10 000 21 900 to 25 200 176 900 to 200 000 597 300 to 675 000 4 247 700 to 4 800 000
9 Formidable 10 000 19 500 to 21 900 156 200 to 175 400 527 300 to 592 100 3 750 000 to 4 210 500
10 Outstanding 10 000 17 400 to 19 500 140 800 to 156 200 475 300 to 527 300 3 380 100 to 3 750 000
11 Brilliant 10 000 15 900 to 17 400 130 700 to 137 900 438 300 to 465 500 3 116 700 to 3 310 200
12 Magnificent 10 000 14 500 to 15 900 116 900 to 125 700 394 700 to 430 000 2 806 800 to 3 100 000
13 World class 10 000 13 100 to 14 500 108 100 to 116 900 364 800 to 394 700 2 594 000 to 2 806 800
14 Supernatural 10 000 12 500 to 13 100 101 000 to 105 000 340 000 to 364 400 2 412 000 to 2 593 000
15 Titanic 10 000 11 400 to 12 500 94 300 to 100 000 318 300 to 337 500 2 264 100 to 2 400 000
16 Extraterrestrial 10 000 10 900 to 11 400 88 800 to 91 300 300 000 to 308 200 2 133 300 to 2 191 500
17 Mythical 10 000 10 000 to 10 900 82 600 to 87 700 278 900 to 296 000 1 983 300 to 2 105 100
18 Magical 10 000 10 000 81 900 276 600 1 967 100
19 Utopian 10 000 10 000 77 500 261 600 1 860 300
 20  Divine 10 000 10 000 69 900 236 000 1 678 200

To be promoted to coach a player must stay in your club for at least 16 weeks. In other words, the player has to have been on the team for a minimum of 1 season. This is to prevent daytrading of coaches-to-be.

See Also


  1. ^  It is slightly more effective than offensive coaches, in part due to an increase in the boost to defence that was implemented with Hattrick 6.5.
  2. ^  When you hire a coach, the new one becomes your squad coach and the old coach steps down to a common player that cannot be traded (you can only fire him, so he can work as coach for other teams in future, but he will no longer coach for your squad again). This is to prevent the creation of a market for coaches.