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NT U-20 Algeria

NT U-21 Algeria

NT Algeria

Hattrick Country
Coat of Arms of Algeria
Location of Algeria (link to Google map)
Wikipedia page
Currency Algerian dinar (DZD)
100 DZD = 1 US$
Time zone Hattrick Time
Continent: Africa
Algeria HT Country
Asia, Africa and Oceania
Number of regions: 48
Current local season: 64
Number of teams:
(~ active)
2 728
Level of series: 5
Top series name: Division Une
National cups: Coupe D'Algérie (main)
Algérie Emerald Cup (challenger)
Algérie Ruby Cup (challenger)
Algérie Sapphire Cup (challenger)
Algérie Consolation Cup (third tier)
Check global match timetables page for local schedule

Algeria (الجزائر al Jazair in Arabic, ⴷⵣⴰⵢⴻⵔ, Dzayerin in Berber, Algérie in French) is an African country. It was the 98th nation to join the Hattrick World.

Geography.png People's Democratic Republic of Algeria has an estimated population of over 44 million. Capital and largest city is Algiers.
In 1962 the country got independence from French colonial empire. However, French serves as a administrative and education language, while Algerian Arabic is the main spoken language.


Book of Records

Further information:

International Trophies

Prize Shelf
None yet.

National Trophies

Coat of arms of Al Jazair.PNG SeasonTop LeagueNational Cup
48 Bab-El-Oued II (2) France shunti Bab-El-Oued II (1) France shunt
47 Bab-El-Oued II (1) France shunti Hagi Academy (4) Romania indy-
46 Hagi Academy (5) Romania indy- lydoteam (1) suyuan
45 Hagi Academy (4) Romania indy- Hagi Academy (3) Romania indy-
44 lydoteam (3) suyuan Hagi Academy (2) Romania indy-
43 Hagi Academy (3) Romania indy- Olympique Gruyère (2) Netherlands Wilfred_Genee
42 lydoteam (2) suyuan Hagi Academy (1) Romania indy-
41 lydoteam (1) suyuan Emily The Jackal (1) Greece Hottestkiss
40 Hagi Academy (2) Romania indy- Alger Titanium (1) France terabel
39 Hagi Academy (1) Romania indy- 48heures (13) fleau
38 48heures (10) fleau 48heures (12) fleau
37 48heures (9) fleau Olympique Gruyère (1) Netherlands Wilfred_Genee
36 48heures (8) fleau 48heures (11) fleau
35 Emily The Jackal (1) Greece Hottestkiss Prazarii (1) Romania danpana
34 Agia GGkia Pelatwn (1) Greece kapaki Agios Kapakios (1) Greece Mhtso_Konios
33 48heures (7) fleau FC Envinciblo (1) na_djib
32 JS.Kabylie (4) kabyle14 JS Bilk (1) France bilk_
31 JS.Kabylie (3) kabyle14 JS.Kabylie (2) kabyle14
30 48heures (6) fleau 48heures (9) fleau
29 JS.Kabylie (2) kabyle14 Greek Nightmare 2013 (1) Greece georgloutra
28 48heures (5) fleau JS.Kabylie (1) kabyle14
27 JS.Kabylie (1) kabyle14 48heures (8) fleau
26 48heures (4) fleau 48heures (7) fleau
25 48heures (3) fleau 48heures (6) fleau
24 McBarça (1) ayexman 48heures (5) fleau
23 Atlético Mexx (10) Pentiume 48heures (4) fleau
22 48heures (2) fleau 48heures (3) fleau
21 48heures (1) fleau 48heures (2) fleau
20 Atlético Mexx (9) Pentiume 48heures (1) fleau
19 Atlético Mexx (8) Pentiume Atlético Mexx (6) Pentiume
18 Atlético Mexx (7) Pentiume Atlético Mexx (5) Pentiume
17 Atlético Mexx (6) Pentiume Atlético Mexx (4) Pentiume
16 Atlético Mexx (5) Pentiume Atlético Mexx (3) Pentiume
15 Atlético Mexx (4) Pentiume Giacomo Casanova (4) Hacker
14 Giacomo Casanova (6) Hacker jokers F.C (3) -Joker-
13 Giacomo Casanova (5) Hacker jokers F.C (2) -Joker-
12 Giacomo Casanova (4) Hacker jokers F.C (1) -Joker-
11 Atlético Mexx (3) Pentiume Giacomo Casanova (3) Hacker
10 Giacomo Casanova (3) Hacker Giacomo Casanova (2) Hacker
9 Giacomo Casanova (2) Hacker Giacomo Casanova (1) Hacker
8 Giacomo Casanova (1) Hacker JSAF (3) Amokrane
7 Atlético Mexx (2) Pentiume Atlético Mexx (2) Pentiume
6 Atlético Mexx (1) Pentiume JSAF (2) AmK86
5 JSAF (2) AmK86 Atlético Mexx (1) Pentiume
4 JSAF (1) AmK86 JSAF (1) AmK86
3 Kabylie Football Club (1) Aguelid Bil-O crew (1) sylfride
2 Wyvern Co (1) merlinus3000 Kabylie Football Club (1) Aguelid
1 WAC Tamanghasset (bot) IR Laghouat (bot)

The Double

The double means to win the Country's top tier division and its primary cup competition in the same season.

Team Name Victories Season(s)
48heures 7 21, 22, 25, 26, 30, 36, 38
Atlético Mexx 5 7, 16-19
Giacomo Casanova 3 8-10
JSAF 1 4
JS.Kabylie 1 31
Hagi Academy 1 45
Bab-El-Oued II 1 48


Current Officers:    

Unfortunately there are no collaborators

with this function in this league

Regions of Algérie Algeria

Adrar | Ain Defla | Ain Temouchent | Alger | Annaba | Batna | Bechar | Bejaia | Biskra | Blida | Bordj Bou Arreridj | Bouira | Boumerdes | Chlef | Constantine | Djelfa | El Bayadh | El Oued | El Tarf | Ghardaia | Guelma | Illizi | Jijel | Khenchela | Laghouat | Mascara | Medea | Mila | Mostaganem | M'Sila | Naama | Oran | Ouargla | Oum el Bouaghi | Relizane | Saida | Setif | Sidi Bel Abbes | Skikda | Souk Ahras | Tamanghasset | Tebessa | Tiaret | Tindouf | Tipaza | Tissemsilt | Tizi Ouzou | Tlemcen


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