A specialty is an extra attribute of players. One player can possess no more than one specialty and about half of all players in Hattrick have no specialty at all.
All specialties but one (resilient) can have positive or negative impact on a match, resulting occasionally in scoring chances and random performance alterations.
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The main specialties may be connected to different special events. For example, Quick specialty can result in a quick-passing and a quick-scoring event in the same match.
Some of the events that lead to a scoring chance are influenced by opposition players, sometimes leading to "game-planning", as in using a technical player against a head defender, or matching a quick defender against a quick forward.
- Any Unpredictable player (except keepers) may read their opponents, dribble and create chances by sheer unpredictability of their passes.
- Unpredictable Wing backs, defenders and inner midfielders can have a bad day and make a fatal mistake; the opponent can take advantage of this.
- When Man Marking, an Unpredictable player will be harder to man mark than others, since you cannot predict him.
- Unpredictable boosts Play Creatively tactic (experience and passing will be important).
Main article: Unpredictable
- Players with Head specialty can feature in special events during a match increasing scoring opportunities from corners and from a cross by a winger.
- Each player adds about 7% average chance for a header event (the higher the number of head specialists in your team, the better your chances to score).
- Each player reduces about 5% average chance for opponent a header event (the lower the number of head specialists among your opponent's, the better your chances to score).
- Head is considered very effective in the game, but players with Head specialty have somewhat inferior footwork skills, which can be taken advantage of by an opponent with Technical specialty.
Main article: Head
The following three specialties are also influenced by weather:
- He performs better in good weather and worse in bad weather.
- Any Technical Winger, Inner Midfielder and Forward can take advantage of it if the player on the exact opposite position is have Head.
- Players will work better in good weather and worse in bad weather:
- In the sun gain some skill (5%).
- In the rain lose some skill (5%).
- During man marking, if your target is a technical player, then there might be a chance to have a bigger effect than any other player.
Main article: Technical
- Players will work better in bad weather and worse in good weather:
- In the sun lose more skill (5%).
- In the rain gains skill (5%).
- Powerful players will have an advantage when performing Man Marking.
- Powerful Defenders skill counts double on the tactic level of Pressing.
Main article: Powerful
- Any Quick Winger, Inner Midfielder or Forward can start a quick rush to score with a possible pass in their mind.
- If the exact opposite player is also quick, then he has 100% chance to stop the attack. Otherwise, nearby quick players might stop it instead, but they have a much smaller chance.
- There are only negative effect for quick players from weather:
- In the rain they lose some skill (5%).
- In the sun they lose some skill (5%).
- If you want to be an expert in Counter Attacks tactic, you will need not only good passing skills, but also quick players. Winger, Inner Midfielder and Forward will give a small boost on the CA (goes from 0 up to 2.8 tactic levels and this range is reduced by opponent Quick Wing Backs, Inner Midfielders and Defenders).
Main article: Quick
Some rare specialties also exist, in addition to the five above. A player with a rare specialty is harder to find.
Resilient or Regainer
- Regainer was the first new rare specialty to appear and it was renamed "resilient" years later.
- It helps the player heal injuries faster than others. If they get injured, their injuries will be less severe than they would otherwise have been, and they heal faster.
- They will also have their skill-drop kick in at a slightly higher age than other players.
Main article: Resilient
- Support players try to help teammates that are close by on the field; this makes that teammates perform better. When the check succeeds, but if not successful it can cause a drop in organization, support player will experience a positive event, making the teammates perform better with a 20% total boost.
- The % boost applies also to himself and affects all eight skills except Set Pieces (all other attributes, like experience, are not).
Main article: Support
Specialties by position
Unpredictable (only with high skill in passing)
- A rare positive event chance may occur with conversion rate higher than 50%.
- Improves pressing tactic.
- Best effect on opponent forwards man marking.
- Improves chance of scoring on a set pieces.
- Can have negative effect from Technical wingers and forwards.
- A technical defender can create a non-tactical Counter Attack when you win the ball deep in your own half from a missed normal chance of your opponent. Your chances to trigger an event increases with every technical defender you have (and give you a bigger chance to create a non-tactical counter attack).
Unpredictable (only with high passing level and assuming has sufficient high defending to reduce negative effects to ~1 every 99 matches)
- Chance can be create only with good passing and the positive event for Defenders chance of happening is about 1/3 matches and the conversion rate for this event is more than 50%.
The same as Defenders with little changes in event odds.
The same as Inner Midfielder unless he is a powerful one.
Powerful defensive Inner Midfielder can concentrate on breaking up attacks and winning the ball. If he succeeds in pressing, the opponent's attack breaks down. Man Marking Powerful players will have an advantage when performing man marking.
Unpredictable (Player with low defending can give a chance to the opponent (the negative event is converted ~1/40 matches)
- A chance can be created only by player with high passing and the positive event for IMs happens about 1 time every 3 matches and the conversion rate for this event is more than 50%.
- The TDF (also known as Trequartista) have a boost of 33% of their Passing on wing attacks.
- Can create chances if an opposing defender or inner midfielder is a head specialist.
Powerful (Powerful Forwards need Playmaking to get this Powerful Event)
- A big forward playing Normal can force a second shoot and score after a missed regular chance for your team (that this physical play could also result in yellow cards).
- Note: formula is Playmaking of player VS Defending of central defenders and Scoring of your player VS Goalkeeping of the keeper.