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NT U-20 Canada

NT U-21 Canada

NT Canada

Hattrick Country
Flag of Canada
Coat of Arms of Canada
Location of Canada (link to Google map)
Wikipedia page
Currency C$
100 C$ = 50 US$
Time zone Hattrick Time -5.5 to -9
Continent: America
Canada HT Country
North America
Number of regions: 20
Current local season: 78
Number of teams:
(~ active)
2 728
Level of series: 5
Top series name: All Canadian
National cups: Canadian Cup (main)
Royal Cup (challenger)
Maple Cup (challenger)
Polar Cup (challenger)
Canada Consolation Cup (third tier)
Check global match timetables page for local schedule


· English · Rossiya ·

Canada (also Canada in official languages:, English and French) is a North American country. It was the 15th nation to join the Hattrick World.

Geography.png Canada has a population of only 38 million inhabitants living in the world's second-largest country by total area, extending from the Atlantic to the Pacific and northward into the Arctic Ocean through ten provinces and three territories, covering 9.98 million square kilometres (3.85 million square miles).
The process of autonomy from the United Kingdom culminated in 1982, when the vestiges of legal dependence on the British parliament were severed. Canada's capital is Ottawa, and its three largest metropolitan areas are Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver.


Book of Records

Further information:

International Trophies

Prize Shelf
28/06/2019, Semi-finalist Bronze medal - WC 29
25/10/2015, Champion Gold medal - WC 23
20/07/2003, Runner-up Silver medal - WC 3

National Trophies

Coat of arms of Canada.PNG SeasonTop LeagueNational Cup
63 Dusty Danglers (2) PokerDeep Rascals Down Under (2) Oceania shagster6
62 __Roma__ (2) Italy mimora Rascals Down Under (1) Oceania shagster6
61 __Roma__ (1) Italy mimora Ragged Ass Rumblers (2) Hungary bymbie
60 Brave Beavers (1) Iran Sina_Adams Ragged Ass Rumblers (1) Hungary bymbie
59 Rush to Win (5) RedLetterB Brave Beavers (1) Iran Sina_Adams
58 Rush to Win (4) RedLetterB Bovine United (2) bovine
57 Bovine United (4) bovine H.C. Valpellice Bulldogs (1) cabroski
56 Bovine United (3) bovine Rush to Win (2) RedLetterB
55 Fc beddi (1) bosspanz Fc beddi (2) bosspanz
54 H.C. Valpellice Bulldogs (1) cabroski Rush to Win (1) RedLetterB
53 Rush to Win (3) RedLetterB Toronto White Star (1) star-ter
52 Rush to Win (2) RedLetterB Fc beddi (1) bosspanz
51 Rush to Win (1) RedLetterB Rangerovver (1) phillippe1
50 Toronto White Star (1) star-ter Beasles (1) cowpig
49 HT = Poker[1] (1) kevinlk Massey College (2) jonnick
48 Beavers FC (1) beaver76 Peter_Drippings (2) PokerDeep
47 North Kilttown (4) VsTheWorld North Kilttown (3) VsTheWorld
46 North Kilttown (3) VsTheWorld Massey College (1) jonnick
45 Burlington Burninators (8) keqrops Defrosted Tuna Team (1) kevinlk
44 Burlington Burninators (7) keqrops Peter_Drippings (1) Poker_Deep
43 Burlington Burninators (6) keqrops Bovine United (1) bovine
42 North Kilttown (2) VsTheWorld DBZ FC (1) Cliner
41 Bovine United (2) bovine Burlington Burninators (4) keqrops
40 Burlington Burninators (5) keqrops Burlington Burninators (3) keqrops
39 Burlington Burninators (4) keqrops Burlington Burninators (2) keqrops
38 Burlington Burninators (3) keqrops F.C. Rostock CA (1) Chris-Money
37 Bovine United (1) bovine North Kilttown (2) VsTheWorld
36 North Kilttown (1) VsTheWorld Burlington Burninators (1) keqrops
35 Burlington Burninators (2) keqrops North Kilttown (1) VsTheWorld
34 Thoroughbreds (2) Kinghaven Metrotown (3) metrotown
33 Tombola (1) Rizomatica Kingston Pen. FC (1) kicker78
32 Burlington Burninators (1) keqrops Tombola (1) Rizomatica
31 Kingston Pen. FC (1) kicker78 Thoroughbreds (3) Kinghaven
30 Besaid Aurochs FC (2) Darksim11 Thoroughbreds (2) Kinghaven
29 Besaid Aurochs FC (1) Darksim11 Beavers FC (1) beaver76
28 Metrotown (1) metrotown Red River Flood FC (1) mtroads
27 Thoroughbreds (1) Kinghaven Cheshire County United (1) broyce
26 Alderwood Chiefs (4) Gumby Metrotown (2) metrotown
25 Alderwood Chiefs (3) Gumby Metrotown (1) metrotown
24 City of Kings Football Club (1) stevenash Alderwood Chiefs (7) Gumby
23 Alderwood Chiefs (2) Gumby Bean Counters United (1) coovergroover
22 PoCo Panthers (3) Chippy_McChip City of Kings Football Club (1) stevenash
21 Alderwood Chiefs (1) Gumby Thoroughbreds (1) Kinghaven
20 PoCo Magpies (2) unknown[2] Alderwood Chiefs (6) Gumby
19 PoCo Magpies (1) unknown Royal Stonecutters Football Club (1) jjots
18 Heart of the Annex (3) Rujulus Alderwood Chiefs (5) Gumby
17 Heart of the Annex (2) Rujulus Alderwood Chiefs (4) Gumby
16 Heart of the Annex (1) Rujulus Barrington Barons (5) ChrisSwimm
15 North York FC (2) Buggle Alderwood Chiefs (3) Gumby
14 North York FC (1) Buggle Besaid Aurochs FC (2) darksim11
13 Barrington Barons (10) ChrisSwimm Besaid Aurochs FC (1) darksim11
12 The Fallen Knights[3] (1) Videmon Alderwood Chiefs (2)[4] Gumby
11 Barrington Barons (9) ChrisSwimm PoCo Magpies (1) unknown
10 Barrington Barons (8) ChrisSwimm Shoguns (1) hidetora
9 Barrington Barons (7) ChrisSwimm Heart of the Annex (1) Rujulus
8 Barrington Barons (6) ChrisSwimm Calgary Haze (2) Haze420
7 Barrington Barons (5) ChrisSwimm Barrington Barons (4) ChrisSwimm
6 Barrington Barons (4) ChrisSwimm Barrington Barons (3) ChrisSwimm
5 Barrington Barons (3) ChrisSwimm Barrington Barons (2) ChrisSwimm
4 Barrington Barons (2) ChrisSwimm Calgary Haze (1) Haze420
3 Barrington Barons (1) ChrisSwimm Gumby United (1) Gumby
2 High Park FC (1) rdroze Barrington Barons (1) ChrisSwimm
1 Quebec OC (bot) Zénith (bot)

The Double

The double means to win the league's top tier division and its primary cup competition in the same season.

Team Name Victories Season(s)
Barrington Barons 3 5, 6, 7
Burlington Burninators 2 39, 40
North Kilttown 1 47
Fc beddi 1 55


Current Officers:     Former Officers:


  1. ^  Manager kevinlk won a cup as Defrosted Tuna Team a a top division as HT = Poker after he rename his team.
  2. ^  The team PoCo Magpies manager's username is actually known - it simply happens to be "unknown".
  3. ^  Changed names since then, team Saskatoon Spartans was named The Fallen Knights around the time of its win. The name Saskatoon Spartans is also the original name of this team.
  4. ^  Manager Gumby changed name to Gumby United (winner of cup in season 3) and rename it Alderwood Chiefs.

Regions of Canada Canada

Alberta | British Columbia | Calgary | Edmonton | Manitoba | Montreal | New Brunswick | Newfoundland and Labrador | Northwest Territories | Nova Scotia | Nunavut | Ontario | Ottawa | Prince Edward Island | Quebec | Saskatchewan | Toronto | Vancouver | Winnipeg | Yukon

North America

Barbados (Barbados) · Belize (Belize) · Canada (Canada) · Costa Rica (Costa Rica) · Cuba (Cuba) · Curaçao (Curaçao) · Dominican Republic (República Dominicana) · El Salvador (El Salvador) · Guatemala (Guatemala) · Haiti (Haiti) · Honduras (Honduras) · Jamaica (Jamaica) · Mexico (México) · Nicaragua (Nicaragua) · Panama (Panama) · Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) · Saint Vincent & the Grenadines (Saint Vincent & the Grenadines) · Trinidad & Tobago (Trinidad & Tobago) · USA (USA)